
10 things I hate about Cambridge: The NUS — and it’s so much worse than you thought

Hear ye, hear ye! Here’s why we should be first in the queue to disaffiliate.

Was voting a waste of time?

Seriously, why did I bother lugging myself all the way back to London to vote?

In defence of Champagne Socialism

We’re all hypocrites really

Andy Murray: What’s The Racquet About?

FRANCESCA HILL asks what all the hype is about with Andy Murray.

Tab Tries: Probing Presidents

We show you the CUSU presidential hopefuls as you’ve never seen them before.

Labour’s Fees Policy Is Worse Than A Joke

“Labour’s new university fees proposals are regressive and will only benefit the wealthy.”

A March With Meaning

TOM MOULE argues against a press spin of peaceful protests against the cuts in London this weekend.