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The Tab’s Week 5 Playlist

Tunes that say ‘fuck you’ to mid-term blues

The Top 10 Pop Songs You’ve Been Sleeping On This Year

These tracks might have flown under your radar in 2018, but we’re here to put things right

Pep talk & a playlist: You Got This!

Music to inspire (ill-fated) confidence

It’s not a Cambridge pres without…

Pass me the aux cord

The Cambridge Blues: Oxbridge officially has the saddest music taste in the country

But have no fear, The Tab is here with a sick af playlist for you all to bawl and boogie to ???

REVIEW: CU Chinese Orchestra Concert

A roller-coaster of an evening

Songs to help you break-up with Cambridge

By being about places that are much, much better

Where to find the best music in May Week

This is the most exciting time of the year for music fiends