Here are the 10 things you need to know before joining Bournemouth University
Panicking about uni in September? I’ve got you!
Congratulations! You’ve made it into uni. Whether Bournemouth was your top choice, insurance or a completely spontaneous decision, you are going to have the best time. It probably all feels pretty daunting right now, though. You’ll be living in an unfamiliar town, have to make brand new friendships, cook and clean all the time, and that’s not even including your studies. To make the transition easier for you, I have compiled a list of the key things you need to know before your crazy, exciting first day at uni. Let’s crack on!
1. Clubbing
Knowing the best clubs and events to go to in Freshers’ Week is probably at the top of your priorities. It certainly was for me. Check out the full piece on Freshers’ week here.
Personally, Cameo really stood out to me in Freshers’. The club has modern and fun decor, and with five different dance rooms there really is something for everyone. If you like a bit of Taylor Swift and cheesy pop hits, then you’ll love my favourite room, Vinyl. ABBA Gold at the Old Fire Station was also super fun and is a great opportunity to wear your best 80’s style clothing and sunglasses.
2. Apps
Fatsoma will be your bible to all things clubbing and social events. You will be purchasing most tickets on it, so be sure to download it before starting uni. As well as this, the Asda Rewards app is a lifesaver. Scan it every time at checkout, and you will build up points that form a balance. On weeks where you are low for money, you can use this balance and essentially get a free food shop.
3. A-List Card
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The A-List Card has been my saving grace throughout first year. Priced at £40, it may seem expensive, but it is a worthwhile investment. For example, it gives you free entry and queue jump to Cameo before 12am on Fridays and Saturdays – perfect for Freshers’ Week – as well as 50 per cent off food at Noodle Bar. I have used it throughout my time at Bournemouth and cannot recommend it enough! You can get your A-List Card on Sunday 22nd September from 12pm until 6pm at George Tapps.
4. Food shop
I recommend going for a big Asda shop on the first day once you have put all your boxes into your accommodation. From most first year halls, Asda is a simple 10 minute walk away. This is a prime time to buy long-lasting foods and cleaning products. I would suggest doing this asap on your first day as it gets very busy. Afterwards, I suggest you go for a Maccies – conveniently located in the actual Asda store! It would be rude not to. Lidl is another great, affordable food shop to take advantage of in first year.
5. Packing
Packing for uni is very stressful and you are most likely going to forget at least one item or accidentally leave something at home. To avoid this, I would recommend making a list as soon as possible of what you want to take. This way, you can build the list up over time, which ensures that when packing comes around you won’t forget anything. To help you, here is a list of the less obvious essentials.
6. Support
At Bournemouth University there is plenty of pastoral support. In the first two weeks of lectures, you will notice lots of students in pink hoodies. They are there to help direct you to lecture theatres should you struggle to find them. I found this invaluable in my first few weeks at uni. There are also maps that will help you to find where your lectures are.
I would also really suggest going to a lecturer or your personal tutor should you feel overwhelmed. Starting university is a huge adjustment, and there really is no harm in needing some extra support. As well as this, if you are struggling with your mental health, then contact the uni’s Student Wellbeing team. They will be more than happy to help.
7. Doctors
Even if you have been blessed with no health problems, it is still important to get registered with a GP practice down in Bournemouth as soon as you can. You never know how badly freshers flu will hit you (I may as well have been sponsored by Lemsip). There are various GP’s to choose from in Bournemouth. If you are struggling to make your mind up, then Bournemouth University actually have its own. You can find out more and get registered here.
8. Freshers’ Fair
Other than going out until ridiculous o’clock every night, Bournemouth University’s Freshers’ Fair was undoubtedly my favourite part of freshers. This year, it will be taking place on Saturday 28th September on Talbot Campus from 10am until 3pm. There is an art to doing Freshers’ Fair properly. I recommend getting there as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out. Then, approach as many societies as you can – this will give you a good flavour of all the opportunities that the uni offers, and most importantly you will get a lot of free stuff! On the last day of first year, I was still binning my lifetime supply of plastic cups and pizza vouchers…
9. Flatmates
If you still haven’t found the people you will be living with next year, then don’t fear. Type in the name of your halls on Facebook, followed by “Official BU Group 24-25”. Wait to be accepted and then make a post asking who else is in your flat. Do not worry though if by the first day you still don’t know who you’re living with. You will all be in the same boat and wanting to get along with each other.
I would also suggest going for a meal with all your flatmates during the first week. It’s a great icebreaker and opportunity to really get to know each other. Also, make a bin and cleaning rota asap, and try your best to stick to it. Mess and smells are not fun, so help yourselves out by doing this early.
Mostly importantly, just chill out! This is quite ironic coming from me, an over-thinker, but please try to relax. I know how scary starting uni is, but once the first week is out of the way then you will be absolutely fine. Also, everyone is in the same position and will be looking to make friends, so don’t feel nervous about approaching new people. Just don’t get so carried away that your friends have to look after you instead of going to Harry Styles night… Uni really isn’t that bad, promise!