This is what British band you belong in based on your Bournemouth University degree
Grab a pinch of salt, this one isn’t for everyone
As some of you will know, when you sign up for a degree you’re also signposting what kind of person you are. Are you a “head in the books” individual? Or an “only at uni to get hammered” student? A follower, a leader? The list really does go on… Well, in this article we are going to associate your degree with a British band! So, fasten your seatbelts because I will be unleashing the harshest of Bournemouth Uni stereotypes.
Sport management – Busted
If you’re Busted then we really don’t know what you go to school for. With this degree, I am aware that you’re only at university for a good time – that includes the socials, the Tinder swipes and the definite trashing of your first year accommodation. By the end of third year, you will be frantically googling masters qualifications or apply for a PGCE, to make sure what you’ve done at university can even apply to the normal working world. So make like McBusted, because teaming your undergrad degree with a masters will form a top tier collaboration for you (trust me on this one). So, grab your Air Guitar and get ready to party through the next four years… you study, sport management.
Accounting and finance – Queen
If you’re Queen then I must hold you in a high regard. You have truly accomplished something very few can do themselves. You’re smart, you out do all of your other family members and I am truly grateful that I am not your sibling or cousin. Thanks for making the rest of us look truly dumb. You’re the champion, my friend. You study accounting and finance.
Politics – The Beatles
If you’re The Beatles you would probably get along with my Grandad better than you would with me. You walk around thinking you look dressed to the nines in 70’s fashion (courtesy of H&M and mummy’s debit card), while trying to prove to the world that you were born in the wrong generation. Honestly, you’re probably very knowledgable and worldly but Oh! Darling, not everybody needs to know about it. You’ve probably got a ticket to ride and a five year life plan behind that nonchalant appearance. Just like The Beatles, you have a plan to influence and take over Britain, you study politics.
Nursing – Florence and The Machine
If you’re Florence and The Machine you’re probably one of the most tired and overworked students I have ever come across. You definitely have a close and personal relationship with Red Bull and rely on the one night off every six months just to get through. The dog days are NOT over, as you graduate you will be smacked with that night shift job and honestly I am far from jealous of you. You’ve got the love to look out for others – you study nursing.
Shoutout to my friend Ash who looks after every single one of my bruises and scrapes xx
English – Madness
If you’re Madness you are just like marmite baby, hated or loved! You’re probably overspilling with outspoken thoughts, creative ideas and Lord Byron quotes. Note: People either find this charming or incredibly annoying. You’re probably instantly approved of by parents as they deem your degree worthy… BUT, in a poor attempt to even out the nerd vibes, you have to add eyeliner or a bucket hat to every baggy trousers look. Which, by the way, is the only outfit you seem to own.
It is okay to admit that you loved musical theatre growing up and now you’re like me, drinking Piña Colada’s with your girlfriend every time a 1,500 word essay on some 19th century book is due. Welcome to the house of fun, you study English.
Disclaimer: I also study English and this is very accurate – end of.
Music – Led Zeppelin
If you are Led Zeppelin, the likeliness of you going to Alt as a weekly ritual has risen by 80 per cent. Get those fishnets out of your drawer, pick up your guitar and get to university for your daily rock and roll jam sesh. Don’t forget to upload your tunes to Soundcloud mate – you might just get hired as a primary school music teacher! This is said with a whole lotta love – you study music.
Sports journalism – One Direction
If you’re One Direction your favourite film is The Wolf of Wall Street purely for the Margot Robbie scene. You were captain of your school’s back up football team in middle school and you STILL brag about it. We get it, the story of your life is that you support Man United, love an ElfBar and only drink fruity cider. Despite this, you probably have an endless stream of relationships and frankly, everyone in the group chat doesn’t know how you keep doing it. No fumbling of the bag here, you might just be irresistible – especially to the girls on cheer . You study sports journalism.
There are many more degrees and many more bands I could have written about today, but frankly I don’t fancy the lawsuit for being too truthful. But all I am going to say is that if you study Ecology – you’re PJ and Duncan. Take that as you will.