Has Pancake Day crêped up on you?

Meet the local team

Ahoy, me hearties! The Tab meets Cap’n Ciaran Gallagher

Elections open today! Here’s the lowdown on Cap’n Ciaran Gallagher, the sole pirate candidate running for SU president.

Camp America: a worthy Investment?

Thinking about doing Camp America this summer? Read our warts and all account of what it’s really like to be a counsellor.

QUB Campus Style

The Tab went out and about on QUB campus to seek out the most stylish students of the week!

I’m challenging gender roles, and looking fabulous while doing it

Would you do a double-take at a guy with glamorous make-up (and a beard)?

What’s on this Week

Check out another edition of our weekly ‘What’s On’, helping you suss out your entire week effortlessly on Sunday night!

The curse of the “I never get a hangover” friend

In every friendship group there’s one person who pretends they are “so lucky they never get hangovers”. These liars need to stop.

Cats Vs Dogs – Queen’s students have their say

Cats and dogs: mortal enemies and beloved pets of many QUB students. But which is better..?

Spot The Lie: The Story Of A UCAS Personal Statement

How class were you at UCAS? My personal statement contains more lies than a Liberal Democrat manifesto.

The Perils of House Parties

Everyone loves a house party. But they can be a very dangerous business indeed. Here are just a few of the problems you may encounter…

Getting drunk and getting high: is one really worse than the other?

Drugs can cause great harm in peoples lives, but for heavens’ sake alcohol creates just as many, if not more, problems