

Rank building opposite Marshall College getting knocked down

Ugly council building gets a knocking, thank fuck

It’s OK to call things “gay”. Let’s stop worrying about words.

I’m gay, and I’m fine with people saying “gay” when they mean “bad”, says Hugh Bassett

The President’s Address: Are Poppies Moral?

Are poppies a symbol of solemn remembrance or are they a subliminal advertisement for war? AUSA President Megan Dunn writes for The Aberdeen Tab to let the student body know it’s President’s opinion.

Bake Sale Binger

An Ode to the Bake Sale

AU Expectations v. AU Reality

‘I’ll probably be smarterer as all of my teachers from school by the time I graduate.’ – Abigail Millar realises that we haven’t come quite as far as we thought we would.

Aberdeen Club Safari

We finally found a picture of Aberdeen’s biggest playboy in Espionage!

Sleeping with my housemate

Friends sharing the bed – normal behaviour, or just a bit odd? Emily Duffy defends her and her housemate’s sleeping habit.

Rugby boys: what lurks beneath the surface of these boozed-up chlamydiots?

She’s back: Ekin Karasin on why rugby boys are just trying really, really hard to impress us and each other.

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case



Tab’s new features editor discusses the pitfalls of misspent industry.

A girl’s undergrad view of Aberdeen

It’s not all bad

With house prices sky-rocketing, will students have to live like peasants?

Property price surge in Aberdeen may encourage threesomes.