Sabrina Carpenter gay lyric

Sabrina Carpenter is getting called out for dated ‘I’ll just deem you gay’ lyric in new song

It’s getting comparisons to Taylor Swift’s Picture to Burn

Sabrina Carpenter has just released an extra bonus song for her hit new album Short N Sweet, which you can get your hands on if you download and buy online. The new version comes with the bonus track Busy Woman, which has caused controversy due to a rather bizarre and honestly very dated lyric from Sabrina Carpenter that reads “If you don’t want me, I’ll just deem you gay.”

It’s an eyebrow raising lyric, and feel like from a gay man’s perspective it’s a bit tiresome hearing this kind of sentiment. The lyric is getting dragged online, with some comparing it to Taylor Swift and her controversial song Picture to Burn from her debut album. On that song, Taylor Swift originally said “So go and tell your friends that I’m obsessive and crazy, that’s fine I’ll tell mine you’re gay.” Swift has subsequently updated those lyrics to say “You won’t mind if I say”, taking out the gay lyric.

When it got revealed that Sabrina Carpenter had put the gay lyric in Busy Woman, it’s received a divided response.

Not only is it getting Taylor Swift comparisons, people are interpreting it as shade towards Shawn Mendes after the rumours of the love triangle between Sabrina, Mendes and Camila Cabello. There is a lot of speculation and homophobia around Mendes’ sexuality online, and people are saying it could be a shady nod to Mendes and that narrative.

It’s all just a bit bizarre.

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