MAFS Australia Jack Tori cheated

OMG: A third claim has emerged that MAFS Australia’s Jack has cheated on Tori

When will it end!?

It’s absolutely beyond belief, but there is now a THIRD cheating claim again Jack Dunkley that he’s cheated on Tori following the MAFS Australia experiment. Yep, you read that right – a THIRD.

In case you missed it so far, Jack’s ex Courtney has alleged she slept with Jack multiple times following MAFS Australia whilst he was still with Tori. Another was claiming he went on multiple dates with women whilst with Tori – all this being after the show wrapped.

The latest cheating claim, according to the So Dramatic podcast where a spy clocked Jack on a night out. He was apparently “all over” a woman on a night out on the Gold Coast. According to the source, Jack then declared he was going home with her but his friend told him he wasn’t allowed to do that.

“They got into a bit of an argument,” the source dished. “Jack was telling his friend to stay out of it, and the friend was saying he was just looking out for him.

“Then, the girl started abusing Jack’s friend, saying, ‘I’m going home with him to f*ck him, just let us leave, it’s none of your business.’”

Eventually, Jack’s mates got their way and he didn’t leave with the girl, who was said to be “fuming”.

It’s all just mad. How have you got three cheating allegations my guy – the show hasn’t even finished airing in the UK yet!

For all the latest MAFS Australia 2024 news and gossip like the third claim Jack cheated on Tori , like The Holy Church of MAFS on Facebook.

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