A body language expert revealed which Love Island couples are fake and who are genuine
He thinks Anton and Georgia H are ‘disingenuous’
After the Love Island final the five couples set off to the airport to make their way back home. But let’s be honest, not all Love Island couples are created equally and some of them are 100 per cent in a fake relationship for the fame.
Behavioural and body language expert Darren Stanton has revealed he doesn’t believe all the Love Island couples are likely to last the long haul. Speaking on behalf of Slingo, Darren says he is “not really buying” runners-up Callum Jones and Jess Gale, and thinks their relationship “won’t last,” and also doesn’t have high hopes for “disingenuous” couple Georgia Harrison and Anton Danyluk.
Meanwhile, Sophie Piper and Josh Ritchie are very much “loved-up”, and other finalists Georgia Steel and Toby Amorolaran are absolutely “authentic” as a couple, according to Darren.
Tom and Molly
“Looking at the shots from the airport, Molly and Tom are genuine. He’s got his arms around her from the back, she’s got her hands wrapped around him. The body language is pretty consistent, compared with what they were like in the villa. I do think they will have some longevity, at least until the media bubble bursts – which might take two or three months.
“For the moment, I believe they have the biggest chance of having a shot at being a couple in the real world. They’re both demonstrating real emotions of happiness and joy – those smiles aren’t fake. They do seem pretty genuine and authentic.
“The three month mark tends to be around the time where people carry on the relationship, or they realise they’re not in the media eye anymore and it fizzles out. I do see these guys lasting a while at least.”
Callum and Jess
“I’m not really buying Callum and Jess. They don’t tend to do a lot of matching and mirroring, which is where we copy the other person’s mannerisms and gestures. In the villa, they were doing that.
“From these new pictures, it doesn’t look as though they are, meaning that unconscious part of trust and rapport is not there. My gut instinct is that they were playing a game to win the money. I don’t think this is going to last, and I don’t see the longevity there.
“I don’t think they’re into each other as much as they say they are, especially Callum. I don’t see the level of authenticity I see with other couples, so I don’t think they’ll last long, and I don’t think they’re smitten with each other.”
Georgia H and Anton
“I’m just not buying this couple, they seem very disingenuous, and I believe they’re doing that for the cameras. I don’t think the romance rings true, because there’s not the same closeness that you’ve got with some of the other couples.
“I don’t believe they’re going to last and won’t have the longevity of some of the other couples. I don’t think their displays of affection at the airport are genuine or real.”
Sophie and Josh
“They’re clearly quite loved-up at the moment. In the airport, we can see them with their arms wrapped around each other really tightly, they’re very much in their own little bubble. These guys are being genuine and aren’t afraid to show displays of affection in a public place.
“They definitely could have some longevity. Certainly from their facial expressions, we can see they’re happy with each other. They seem to be authentic and they have a chance. They’re hugging each other very tightly and in each other’s personal space quite a lot, which isn’t something you can generally fake, they’re quite an interesting couple.”
Georgia S and Toby
“They’re definitely pretty genuine, with lots of PDA at the airport. I believe they will last as they seem pretty tight as a couple. Their body language is consistent with how they were in the villa.
“Again, if it was just for show, you’d see a distance or a change, or a disturbance in the force. Whenever we see changes in the baseline behaviour, that is cause for concern that the behaviour is not authentic. Their willingness to still be in each other’s personal space is clear, now they’re out of the programme even though they’ve not won, some couples have a tendency to distance themselves because they aren’t truly in love.
“With these two, they seem genuinely well-suited and stand a chance of longevity. In terms of physical gestures, they’re kissing, holding hands and hugging, they’re very close together. Had that not been authentic, that unconsciously wouldn’t be happening.”
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