Sorry to break it to you but *that* Drake story response to his nudes leaking is fake

It’s still iconic though

Okay so, whether or not you’ve seen *those* Drake nudes, you’ve almost certainly heard about it or read about his response – including the hilarious one he put on his story.

A response by Drake about his nudes being leaked quickly started making the rounds on TikTok and Twitter, with a post on his Instagram saying: “I wasn’t hiding my meat from the world, I was hiding the world from it – Papi.” Pretty hilarious right, and a very on-brand Drake response.

Via Twitter

Yeah, well sorry to let you down but it’s not actually real. That’s right this Drake story response to his nudes being leaked is actually completely fake, and according to graphic design experts on TikTok was most likely “easily made with Photoshop.”

Still, it says something about how chill Drake has taken this whole situation that people think it actually is his response, although his real response is insanely laid back anyway.

The story isn’t anywhere to be seen on Drake’s actual Instagram and just minutes after the screenshots of it started being posted we checked his account and there was nothing on there, so unless he deleted it at the speed of light we can 100 per cent assume it isn’t real. And I mean, are we really expecting Drake to use that kind of font in his story?

And so whilst there’s a slim possibility it is authentic, with how open Drake has been about his nudes leaking, and his reaction so far it would be odd for him to not own up to this response on his story if he really had posted it.

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Featured images via Instagram and Twitter