Inside the intense Love Island application process and contract Islanders have to sign

This sounds harder than any exam I’ve ever taken

Famously, nailing an application and securing a place on Love Island is hard to come by, and nowadays most of the cast are scouted by producers. But, even those who are scouted are still only approached and then asked to apply, they don’t always get a huge fast track.

The Love Island application is long, and contracts are then given to successful Islanders in the weeks prior to flying out to the villa. After the application, there are multiple auditions and phone and Zoom calls with the producers.

So, what is the initial application like? And if you’re successful after all of this, what’s in the extensive contracts Islanders have to sign? Here’s everything you need to know.

via ITV

The process is gruelling

Hundreds of thousands of people apply for Love Island, so it’s no surprise the application is long. Contestants must fill out a form with their bad habits, likes and dislikes and about their taste in someone to date. They also have to send in an audition video and there’s a round of telephone interviews before around 1,000 people get through to the final rounds and end up being auditioned by the producers.

When you fill out a Love Island application, you’re also applying to take part on any other ITV show

In the small print of the Love Island application form, it states you are agreeing to ITV storing your information for three years, “so you can be considered for appearing on, or being in the audience on, any other programmes produced by us or by one of our group and/or affiliate companies”.

via ITV

The application form asks you about your dating history and current relationship status

You’d think all Islanders are single, so this is a bit redundant, but the application form does double check that you’re actually single. Then you have a very limited section to fill out your dating history. Selling yourself as having a vibrant dating past in 50 words is a steep task, but here we are.

Original Islanders are paid differently to bombshells

According to documents shared with the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, it’s written in the Love Island contract that not all pay is the same among Islanders. Each Islander receives payment in the form of expenses – which means they have to pay for things like their flights, drinks and food up to the time they arrive in the villa, and this is paid back at a later date.

The contract states: “One-off expenses of [redacted]; and from the second week of the Key Filming Period only [redacted] that you remain a contestant on the Programme (if any) (together, the ‘Expenses’).” This is all very confusing wording, but it basically means those on the show from the start, or who are on the show in the first two weeks, are given more expenses than bombshells.

The Islanders also get a weekly wage

On top of their expenses, Islanders are paid a weekly wage. This is to cover things like rent and bills whilst they are away in the villa. This wage is thought to be around £250 a week.

Love Island application process and contract

via ITV

The application form asks for ‘bonus info’

According to reports, there’s a section on the Love Island application form which asks wannabe Islanders for bonus info about themselves. Maybe you want to throw in some wild facts about yourself? This could be the perfect time to chuck in that you’re a nepo baby or have 35 Premier League footballers in your DMs.

The Love Island contract states Islanders need to free up their calendars for filming

Also stated in the Love Island contract is that upon application, Islanders need to be prepared to given up a lot of their spare time, and can’t have any other calendar clashes with the show. They must film the main show, Aftersun and “any other making-of programmes” that may follow.

Islanders have to be “exclusively available” to participate on the show for a “minimum of 10 consecutive weeks”. The contract also requests Islanders “use best endeavours” to make sure their friends and family are able to film for any parts of the show they might be needed on.

via ITV

The contract is strict on advertising

Nothing is free, and Love Island sticks to this. Therefore Islanders are not allowed to wear branded clothing, or talk about brands whilst on the show. This rule is so strict, it’s written into their contracts.

“You will not advertise, mention or ‘plug’ any product or service whilst you provide your Contribution (except as directed by us),” the contract reads. “You shall notify us immediately if any person attempts or has attempted to induce you to do anything in breach of the foregoing or which is in any way dishonest.”

The Islanders also have to accept that product placement is used on the show, and they have to take part in some of these adverts, for no fee. This year, Islanders did segments with eBay about the clothing they were wearing in the villa.

During your application, you’re asked to submit a video

As well as the form, Islanders have to submit a one-minute video about themselves. This is another opportunity to talk about what makes you different, or get creative with the process.

Some ex-Islanders have shared their audition tapes, and have shared what they included. Millie Court did 30 seconds of talking about herself, and 30 seconds of videos about herself – which were mainly drunk videos of her doing dumb things. Laura Anderson did a day in the life of her, showing producers why she’d make a great Islander.

via ITV

During the interview process, Love Island hopefuls are invited to ITV offices to chat to producers

If it’s not over Zoom, potential Islanders will have a chat in person with the producers. Previous Islanders have said this is an extended time to sell yourself, so you should go prepared with stories to tell.

“It’s a dead relaxed and chilled process,” season two’s Scott Thomas said. “They ask you about some of the crazier things you’ve done. The casting directors are definitely looking for people who will go in there and wear their heart on their sleeve.”

There are obviously some really boring tick-box parts of the Love Island application

Islanders have to have a valid passport for the travelling, be over 18 and have proof of this, and they cannot be related to anyone who works at ITV.

Still fancy your luck? Apply for Love Island here.

For all the latest Love Island news and gossip and for the best memes and quizzes, like The Holy Church of Love Island on Facebook. 

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