An inarguable ranking of all 12 mainline Assassin’s Creed games from worst to best
Kassandra you will ALWAYS be famous
I make no apologies for the unabashed excitement I have for the open world, lush environments and cinematic action – these games just thrill me to no end. The storylines passionate, the protagonists bursting with personality – what’s not to love? With the next Assassin’s Creed game, Mirage, due for release this year and with major projects Codename Red and Codename Hexe under development as we get closer to the launch of the Assassin’s Creed Infinity platform, I jumped into the Animus and ranked all the 12 mainline games from worst to best.
12. Assassin’s Creed Unity

Via Ubisoft
Like a little Les Mis, Assassin’s Creed Unity has you controlling Arno through a French revolution tale that is clearly SO beautiful to look at. In fact, despite being the worst game in the franchise, AC Unity is one of the most gorgeous with a Paris that feels so well designed and realised. It’s ranked last thanks to its dismal glitches and performance issues upon launch that despite being patched out by today hang over the game like an unshakeable cloud. First impressions matter!
11. Assassin’s Creed Revelations

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Despite being an Ezio fronted game, clearly and pretty inarguably the most beloved character in the franchise, Revelations just doesn’t manage to hit like the ones that came before it because it’s simply the least memorable. Even though moving from Italy to Constantinople should have felt thrilling and fresh, Revelations feels stale.
10. Assassin’s Creed Rogue
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What makes Rogue so special is that it flips the narrative and has you playing as Shay – a Templar. It’s fun to be a vengeful former Assassin playing from the other side, but where Rogue falters is it was released in the shadow of Unity. Unity was the next gen console flagship release, and Rogue for the gen before. It’s built on the engine of a game much better and much more popular, which holds back Rogue from truly ascending higher amongst ranked Assassin’s Creed games in my opinion.
9. Assassin’s Creed

Via Ubisoft
Sure, it’s aged now – but I can’t not think of Assassin’s Creed and smile nostalgically. I remember my dad calling me into the room to watch the trailer and how in awe I was at the free running and the crowd blending in mechanics – it felt like this humongous step up in game development and I was obsessed. I love the simplicity of AC1 and the focus on studying your enemy. Dated but a solid foundation for a great franchise!
8. Assassin’s Creed III

Via Ubisoft
The highs of Assassin’s Creed III include a thrilling story and dynamic world vastly populated with things to do. The American Revolution is an exciting historical backdrop to play against, it’s a shame then that Connor is arguably the most flop protagonist the franchise has to offer. Truly bored shitless. Should have been Aveline for the whole game and not just the Liberation spin off.
7. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood

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Ezio being so popular that he has three AC games is crazy, and Brotherhood builds on the success of Assassin’s Creed II to create a Rome based experience that has a fun focus on other assassins jumping in to help in combat. This one’s so beloved in the fandom but I think perhaps for me because I love having a new character every game my Ezio fatigue was showing. (He’s still an icon, though).
6. Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag

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One word: GORGEOUS. I know some people will find my ranking of Black Flag outside of the top five sacrilegious, and honestly? Fair. My own personal preference is there’s a little too much ship and naval combat for my taste, BUT the rest of this game is so beautiful and satisfying that I can take a bit too much ship. A pirate-y feel is always welcome, and the Caribbean feels so lush. I love it.
5. Assassin’s Creed Origins

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I know it has its detractors, but for me the evolution of Assassin’s Creed into MASSIVE open worlds with RPG elements is where the franchise became even more beloved. I love the massiveness of these games – and Origins was the gamechanger that turned the franchise into something new altogether. I love Bayek and Aya’s story so much, and Ancient Egypt is one of my fave time periods. I wish you could play as Aya more though!
4. Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Via Ubisoft
I really expected before launch Valhalla to be my second favourite out of all the Assassin’s Creed games ranked here, but whilst I love it it never hits that height at all. I love that it’s in my native England, I love the raids and I have a fun time playing it – but Eivor is never quite the queen I want her to be. And the open world just feels a little bit less alive than previous games? Dare I say drab? Nonetheless – it’s vast, and the missions and gameplay are satisfying and fun.
3. Assassin’s Creed II

Via Ubisoft
First of all, GOD I love playing in Venice. What a setting! Second of all, Ezio IS Assassin’s Creed. This is where old school Assassin’s Creed is at its most rich and impressive. Playing this back in the day literally had me overwhelmed with how great it looked and controlled and I still marvel at it all today – even if it takes bronze medal when getting all the Assassin’s Creed games ranked in my opinion.
2. Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

Via Ubisoft
I literally think some people are going to start a witch hunt for me after this but hear me out: I LOVE Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. I’ve lived in London and visited it at times throughout my life, so playing in a city in the not too distant past feels so thrilling. The rooftop jumping with the grappling and the jumping across the Thames makes exploration a ball, and I absolutely LOVE Evie. Jacob… Annoying. BUT EVIE!
1. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Via Ubisoft
Not just my fave of all the Assassin’s Creed games ranked here, Odyssey is honestly one of my favourite games of all time. There are many reasons for this. Fuck Alexios, Kassandra is one of the best protagonists in gaming and anyone not choosing her is doing themselves a disservice. The world of Ancient Greece is HUGE, vibrant, stunning, dangerous – the seas feel alive, the cities bustle and the game looks mesmerising at every angle. The sun feels scorching. The fortresses and the battles feel dangerous whilst Kassandra feels like you can build up a beast. I love it. The peak of the franchise, at least in my personal taste – but understand it’s also the furthest away from a ‘traditional’ Assassin’s Creed game as you could get, so… I expect detractors.
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