Exeter uni student encourages peers to sign up to stem cell register to save her dad’s life

Sign up now and save lives

On Monday 17th March, Exeter Marrow, the student branch of the charity Anthony Nolan, held an event in the University of Exeter’s forum to encourage students and staff aged 16-30 to join the national stem cell register and help save lives.

The event was aimed at helping more patients find a stem cell match, including Philip, the father of Exeter MA Law student Issey Charlesworth. Philip has a rare blood cancer and needs a lifesaving stem cell transplant. Despite more than a year of trying, they haven’t been able to find a match.

Issey and her family are therefore urging more people to join the register. Issey was behind the effort at Exeter University, inspiring fellow students to sign up with Anthony Nolan.

Typically, they consider an event like this successful when 50 people sign up. However, by lunchtime, they had more than 60 registered potential donors.

Over the past 21 years, Exeter Marrow has hosted 111 recruitment events, resulting in more than 3,300 Exeter students joining the stem cell register. Remarkably, 15 individuals recruited at these university events have gone on to donate their stem cells to patients in need.

You can watch the full video on ITVX.

If you would like to register, you can sign up online and receive a donor recruitment kit at home or visit the Anthony Nolan website for more details.

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