These are the 10 best UK unis if you want to be an entrepreneur – and they’re not all Russell Group
See, arts degrees are occasionally useful!
Did you watch one episode of The Apprentice and decide it was your destiny to become a multi-millionaire CEO of a unicorn start-up? Here are the 10 UK unis which produce the most entrepreneurs.
The company formations agent Start Up A-Z figured this out by analysing what percentage of graduates from different unis call themselves “business founders” on their LinkedIns.
Several non-Russell Group unis made the list of the best UK unis for becoming an entrepreneur – City St George’s, Loughborough University, and the University of the Arts London.
Unsurprisingly, Oxbridge made the list. It’s not really a shocker that students from the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford have the brains, money and egos required to start businesses. But Oxbridge didn’t actually top the list. Imperial College London and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) both churn out more entrepreneurs. I guess LSE offers lots and lots of courses in business and management, which is useful when you’re attempting to run your own company. Imperial College London is also very business-oriented – it’s often ranked now as the best UK uni for grad jobs.
The UK uni that spawns the most entrepreneurs isn’t Oxbridge. It’s not even a Russell Group uni. It turns out that one in ten students at the University of the Arts London become business founders. See, mum, arts subjects are useful too! More than 3,600 business founders in the UK studied design and visual communications degrees.
So, here are UK unis ranked by the percentage of their students who become business founders.
10. Loughborough University – 5.6 per cent
9. King’s College London – 6.2 per cent
8. City St George’s, University of London – 6.4 per cent
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The one slightly pretty building at City
7. University of Edinburgh – 6.5 per cent
6. University College London (UCL) – 6.6 per cent
5. University of Cambridge – 7.6 per cent
4. University of Oxford – 7.7 per cent
3. Imperial College London – 8.1 per cent
2. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) – 9.1 per cent
1. University of the Arts London – 11 per cent
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