MrBeast buries $10k within Great Sphinx after gaining ‘unrestricted access’ to pyramids

He spent over 100 hours exploring undiscovered tombs and tunnels

MrBeast is known for his wild stunts, but his most recent video is perhaps his wildest yet after he was granted “unrestricted access” to the pyramids of Egypt for 100 hours in order to explore.

MrBeast and his crew were joined by Dr Zahi Hawass, an Egyptologist and former Minister of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt, and were allowed to explore areas of the pyramids never before seen by the public.

Via YouTube

MrBeast started his descent with arguably the most recognisable of the pyramids of Egypt, the Great Pyramid of Gaza.

The group explored a tomb believed to have once held a mummified pharaoh, with MrBeast explaining: “4,600 years ago, this chamber may have contained the king’s mummified body.”

After visiting the royal tomb, Dr Zahi led MrBeast and the crew into the secretive Tomb of Osiris which is actually submerged in water, and as such ” very few humans have ever been.”

MrBeast pyramids of Egypt

Via YouTube

According to Egyptian mythology, the tomb is deeply connected with the afterlife, and is supposedly a “gateway to the underworld.” However, their time in the chamber was cut short due to their oxygen levels becoming too low.

MrBeast then decided to come out of the pyramids of Egypt in order to explore the Great Sphinx of Giza and even buried his own letter and collectable worth $10k into the ancient rock. The collectable was one from his own toy range, a Golden Swarm worth a whopping $10k.

MrBeast pyramids of Egypt

Via YouTube

I genuinely assumed you wouldn’t be allowed to just bury things and leave them in such an ancient historical object but there we go.

He explained: “I guess the internet conspiracy theories are right because the Sphinx definitely has gold in it now, thanks to the rarest Swarm in the world.”

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More on: Mr Beast Viral YouTube