Get over it! We’ve matched iconic quotes from The Traitors to Lancs student moments
Who the HELL is not gonna come back to my seminar?
It’s officially the last week of The Traitors season three gracing our screens, and we’re already missing those icons. From Linda’s melodramatic faux faithfulness to Alexander’s…confusing vocals, every single second of the show has included some kind of iconic moment that will fill our brains, our TikTok feeds and X meme pages for a long, long time.
While we all wish we could escape to a castle in Inverness during deadline season, unfortunately we’re stuck in rainy Lancs until June – so we’ve decided to bring The Traitors to Lancaster University by matching some of the most iconic quotes from season three to things that most of us will go through during our time at Lancs.
‘Who the HELL is not gonna come BACK?’

You’re sat in a lecture, your lecturer has announced the anticipated three minute break, and while you’re scrolling through ASOS, you start to notice people packing up their laptops and booking it to the spine. You turn to your friend, and she’s already halfway down the stairs…who the HELL is not gonna come back next?
‘I do feel like you both could be a little bit more…assertive’

Honestly, I don’t know anyone who wasn’t INCREDIBLY annoyed when Armani started to dole out advice to the other traitors like she wasn’t SO close to getting voted out. But from that moment came this quote which every Lancaster student definitely says to themself when they’re too scared to push to the front of the Underpass queue.
‘She’s my little girl!’

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‘Why am I still here?’

…is everyone’s reaction when they get to the Underpass at 6pm on a Wednesday night and there’s a sea of exhausted students clambering to be the first to the 1A, while someone from Stagecoach shouts “have your tickets ready!” and you’re desperately going through your wardrobe in your head to come up with a last-minute costume for a netball social. It was even worse in the days of the Underpass shouty lady, the chaos was unmatched.
‘Buh buh wuh wuuh wuurhh’

Alexander may have arrived at the castle late but he’s clearly a fan favourite already. His warbled rendition of a backwards nursery rhyme is narrowly beating out the drunken karaoke students are forced into a Thursday night karaoke session at Crafty’s. Or, we think it’s easily compared to what your lectures sound like on a Thursday morning, post-Wednesday social.
‘It’s giving…reading’

Minah’s initial reaction to the castle library is SO similar to a loyal A-floor first year student when they climb the stairs to the library’s C floor for the first time…just go check out an obscure book they need for their course (which will never be opened, of course).
It’s giving…reading. It’s giving…silence. It’s giving…we yap too much for this.
‘You don’t have to be a sailor to know how to tie a rope’

Honestly, Linda’s iconic clapback to faithful Anna would come in so handy at Lancs. It’s the collective group when one person in your group presentation claims they can’t help with the powerpoint because they’re “rubbish at technology.” It’s you when your flatmate can’t take out the bin or wash up the dishes because they’re “not a cleaner.” It’s Lancs girls when their situationship claims they really like them but aren’t “ready for a relationship.”
‘I don’t think I’ve got any problems for a while’

…Us three weeks before all seven of our deadlines are due. Cut to three weeks later, and we’re chugging Coastal coffees at 3am by the library plant wall while anxiously shaking and praying that we can write 3,000 words in 11 hours.
‘I’m not actually Welsh’

Charlotte’s insane revelation seems quite pointless, but she’s gotten to the final eight so who are we to judge? It’s this kind of random and unprompted announcement that you’d hear from that one flatmate who you haven’t seen all year and know nothing about, until they drop some insane lore in the kitchen one night.
‘Shines very brightly…and then is extinguished forevermore.’

Yin’s iconic description of a lunar moth (or herself, of course) feels so much like it’s describing Lancaster students when they decide to walk home from campus to their city centre houses without realising that it’s about to start raining. Cue a drenched student stuck between Health Innovation and Scotforth with nowhere to run for cover and all of the buses being full.
‘Can I just say to anybody who’s watching, Alexander is single’

Claudia did Alexander dirty with this statement following his incredible vocals, but if we make this hysterical Winkleman quote more positive it definitely reminds us of Lancaster Uni housemates when they’re re-downloading their friends’ Hinge accounts for the tenth time in one term. Or, if you want to view it in the way Claudia intented, you could say it’s what your flatmates are thinking when you’re on your tenth VK of the night and end up on OnlyLancs.
Featured images via BBC