Here’s how to survive January exam season as a student in Nottingham
Because the academic New Year’s Resolutions are already failing x
Blue Monday is upon us, and the excitement of the new year has all but disappeared.
Unless you are insanely organised, you probably find yourself living on Red Bull and Tesco meal deals with all sense of routine gone while the reality that your uni work isn’t going anywhere sets in.
Motivation is at an all time low and the thought of going to George Green to revise is utterly terrifying.
If, like many of us, you’ve promised yourself not to leave everything to the last minute, here are some tips to make January exam season slightly more bearable.
Make a study plan
Let’s be honest, you’ve either not done any studying over the break at all, or have chaotically squeezed in bits of work around Christmas plans and long-awaited pub trips with your mates from home.
A break is necessary, but you can’t ignore that exam revision forever and the sooner you start, the quicker it’s over.
Planning what you’re going to study and when will help exam season feel more manageable and help you avoid the dreaded last minute all-nighters in the library.
Meal prep
It may be a cliché, but meal-prepping is a sure-fire way to keep you feeling energised and healthy through one of the most stressful months of the year as a student.
Instead of resigning yourself to a trip to little Sainsbury’s to spend all of your student loan on pesto and pasta, plan meals in advance to fuel those long revision days.
Having easy meals ready to go is perfect for when it’s 10pm and all you want to do is wallow and order Deliveroo.
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There is always that temptation to neglect your social life and become a hermit when uni work feels a bit too overwhelming.
After spending the day trapped in Hallward attempting to revive the academic weapon you used to be, you probably just feel like crawling into bed to watch reruns of Gavin and Stacey.
This will only make you feel worse. Getting out and seeing your friends will remind you that no you don’t need to drop out, and that it’s okay to let loose once in a while.
Be kind to yourself
Sometimes life gets in the way and things don’t go as planned. You may be feeling like you’ll never catch up with work, or that certain modules aren’t going as well as you hoped they’d be. Meal planning may be a struggle and you’ve not done anything social in a while because it’s just too much.
Be kind to yourself – you’re doing the best you can!
Although it doesn’t seem like it now, it’ll all work out in the end. Try not to beat yourself up, as this will stress yourself out more. Go and do something nice for yourself, whether that’s going to the gym or chilling with your housemates.