Here are Edinburgh’s worst trends of 2024
Because 2025 deserves fewer pen-reserved library desks and more bus stop etiquette x
As 2024 comes to a close, Edinburgh students can look ahead to the new year. And what does a new year mean? An opportunity to improve as a person and set some resolutions to be better in 2025. Here’s a handy guide to behaviours Edinburgh students should be leaving behind in 2024:
Library desk hogging
We begin with a classic, the long-standing pen reservation system many students have going on at the Main Library. In 2025, we will be considerate to our fellow library users and think about their needs ahead of those of a Bic ballpoint pen and an AirPods case.
Walking five-abreast in George Square
There are always the most random vehicles wheeling across George Square’s cobbles – we all know this, so please stop sacrificing your fellow students just to flex the fact that you have five friends. Very impressive, now people are about to get hit by the Red Bull car.
The QR-codification of trying to enter the main library
It’s approaching the evening, campus has descended into darkness, you have 2,000 words due by midnight, and now you’re being stopped in front of the library and asked to scan a QR code and follow a random club on Instagram for a chance to win free entry to a mega techno rave at Liquid Rooms. Now that’s not something I’d sacrifice my academic grind for. Keep it in 2024, and let us enter the library in peace.
Littering (seriously)
So depressing to walk through the beautiful Meadows and find the aftermath of an Uplands Roast hot chocolate, or a Nile Valley wrap littered across the grass. What happened to Keep Britain Tidy? In 2025, everyone is going to use those incredibly huge and obvious bins around the area and respect their environment.
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Poor bus stop etiquette
Not to go all Karen, but whatever happened to good old-fashioned manners? We all know the correct way to board a bus: Stick your hand out, wait until passengers have disembarked, and then board (commuters at Surgeons Hall I’m looking at you). What’s the rush? It’s the number 29 to Silverknowes, you’re not trying to get barrier at TRNSMT.
Sitting at the end of lecture theatre rows
I fear the main character dark academia branding of Edinburgh has gone too far and to too many people’s heads. This is not your own personal arena of learning, please move along and let me sit down.
Being defeated by the 40GS entry system
Okay, so you have to present your Student Card to the reader and then enter. When it makes the weird buzzing sound, that is when you push at the door. Not before, not after. Just a helpful tip to ensure we’re all maximising our academic activities for 2025 and not being held back by a harmless door.
Queueing for clubs before midnight
Why this was a trend in the first place I’m not sure but I’m afraid this cannot run in 2025. Queueing for the club in itself feels illegal and going before midnight will only lead to an early home time. Great if you want to have a quick pit stop at Burrito N Shake but awful if you want to release your feral club rat. Be cool, be nonchalant – do not buy that early-bird pre 11 pm entry ticket.