They’ve been wild: A ranking of the most iconic I’m A Celeb campmates over the years
Fainting to get out of a trial WILL get you on this list
We’ve had some seriously wild campmates on I’m A Celeb over the years. From dragons on the bridge to fainting to get out of doing a trial, the celebrities have tried everything to get in and out of the spotlight. It’s a show meant to test you and for some, that means bringing out the most chaotic side of yourself. Here is a ranking of the most iconic I’m A Celeb campmates over the years.
10. Katie Price
Katie Price brought drama to the jungle, especially when she and Peter Andre had a flirty relationship going on. Love the chaos!
9. Kim Woodburn
Although she was on the show a long time ago, Kim Woodburn can’t be forgotten, especially when it came to her wild eating trial. Watching her try and drink *that* drink had me on the border of throwing up.
8. Amir Khan
Amir Khan made I’m A Celeb history when he and Iain ate the strawberries they won with their dingo dollars and then lied to the camp about getting the answer right. It was the ultimate betrayal, but boy did it make for great TV.
7. Anne Hegerty
The Chase star Anne Hegerty was a legend during her time in the jungle. Her downing a dreaded drink and setting an I’m A Celeb record was more than iconic in my book.
6. Rebekah Vardy
Rebekah Vardy was a pretty controversial character when she was on I’m A Celeb, and a lot of people branded her a bully. She came ninth overall and was quick to be voted off by viewers. Lots of tension indeed.
5. Gillian McKeith
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I’m not sure how pretending to faint on live television to get out of a bushtucker trial makes you a British icon, but Gillian McKeith certainly won that title.
4. Joey Essex

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Joey Essex solidified himself as jungle royalty when he learnt to tell the time on live TV. We also can’t forget the iconic moment he saw a real-life dragon on the bridge back to camp. After years of searching experts still can’t find the dragon in question. I wonder where it went…
3. Gemma Collins
It’s a crime Gemma Collins didn’t stay in the jungle for longer, but it seems she came down with a very nasty case of malaria. Thoughts and prayers.
2. Ferne McCann
It’s ASTONISHING Ferne McCann didn’t win I’m A Celeb, but she made her mark when she ate a live spider on television. She’s the real queen of the jungle in my opinion.
1. Lady C
Of course, there was nobody else who has been quite as iconic as Lady C on I’m A Celeb. From constant arguments to forfeiting challenges, there wasn’t a single obstacle Lady C didn’t moan about. She hated everyone, hated the jungle and hated the general public. Yet, somehow, we all loved her.
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