The good, the bad and the sink-less: A ranking of my dorms as a Cambridge student

The good, the bad, the sink-less – all my rooms I have had at Cambridge


Now that my academic career at Cambridge is coming to a close, it is time to take a look back at all the rooms I have stayed in and experienced during my time here.

A love letter to my first year – Spalding Hostel

This one makes me a little sad, Spalding Hostel is a stalwart of the first year experience at King’s. It has recently been renovated but I was one of the final years that got to stay in the slightly ramshackle but ultimately very charming hostel, which housed half of the freshers in my year. My room was cosy, there was a sweet little common room and it was a stones throw from Jack’s Gelato. I loved it and yearn for it everyday. Old Spalding, you shall be missed.

The nostalgia is hitting hard right now

S Staircase next to Bodley’s Court

If you have every punted past King’s, you might have passed this court yard:

This courtyard was the best

This is Bodley’s court and in my second year, I stayed in one of the staircases tucked behind the main courtyard, overlooking the Provost’s garden. It was a lovely room with large south facing windows, but it did not have a sink and you had to sprint down two flights of stairs to go to the loo – charming. But, a fun fact that punters always like to tell you is that Alan Turing lived in Bodley’s. It is true, trust.

Exam season was rough

Coming soon –

Final year – back to Bodley’s

Can you tell I like the old timey rooms more? Trust that I shall always prefer a rickety old building with no proper insulation or toilets to a room with an en-suite. Dark academia is a lifestyle my loves and one that requires LOTS of sacrifice. At least I shall have a sink this year.

Honorable mentions:

My boyfriend’s second year room in Bodley’s

Get yourself a man with a set. The view was absolutely stunning – same courtyard, different vibes. He has now graduated to the joys of modern master’s accommodation, complete with the dreaded ensuite and insulation – traitor.

The lighting was stunning

Munich Excursion

How do you know if someone has been on a year abroad? They will tell you xxx

Shout out to my room in Munich, I shall miss you :(((

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Featured Image Credits: Julia Szaniszlo