The sesh head to the serial crier: All the types of people you’ll meet on Freshers’ Week
Don’t kid yourself, you’re on this list too
Freshers’ Weeks are here all around the country, and first years everywhere are filling their car boots with fairy lights and fancy dress costumes (who needs cutlery?) ready for possibly the most chaotic week of their uni career.
It’s a full week of being the most extroverted version of yourself possible, and when you start to get tired of asking people what course their doing and which accommodation they’re in, you’ll start to notice some very distinct personalities making themselves known. Whether it’s the flatmate who starts pres at 4pm or the girl on your course who seems to have memorised the whole reading list, we’ve rounded up a list of all of the types of people on Freshers’ Week. You are bound to meet one of these silly freshers in your first week.
The sesh head 
They’re out every night, and honestly, you’ve got to be impressed by their stamina. They’re on the fifth night out this week, and you’re not sure how they’re doing it, but their liver must be made of some sort of sponge because it is soaking up that alcohol like nobody’s business, and they’re still turning up too all the mandatory academic workshops. To them, university is for partying, meeting people and blowing their loan – they have a plan and that’s to be admired.
The serial crier
Homesickness is more common than freshers’ flu and will hit everyone at the worst possible moment, but there’s always one flatmate who has it worst than most and will spend most of their first week crying on FaceTime to their friends and family.
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Get ready to see them crying in the kitchen, the course introduction session and the middle of the club…every single night. Try and invite this person out a couple of times, and they’ll eventually get so distracted by the deals that clubs and bars are throwing at you they’ll forget all about their homesickness.
The ghost
A lot of the time, you won’t realise this person is the ghost at first. They’ll say hi when they’re popping the kettle on for their Pot Noodle on the first night, maybe even have a friendly chat with you and then you’ll just… never see them again.
They won’t be at the local Spoons, or your uni pub and you definitely won’t see them on the campus tour. Your building could have a fire drill every day and their door will never open. It’ll get to the point when you wonder if they even still go to your uni, but every so often you’ll hear some music coming from their room and you’ll cancel the welfare check. They’re the introvert who you will never know, but it wouldn’t be Freshers’ Week without them.
The sports nut
This people on Freshers’ Week are recognisable by the 50 bags of protein powder that are lining up your kitchen countertop and the portable blender that’s screaming at 8.30am even if you were all at your SU’s club until 4am the night before. They’ll spend the whole of Freshers’ Week signing up to pretty much every sports society you can think of, and come week two you will never see them on a Wednesday night unless you’re out at a sports social, too.
The posh one
There’s always at least one posh person in each flat (or more, if you go to Exeter). They can be identified by their unlimited supply of Tom’s Trunks, their confusion over how to work the rusting oven in your kitchen and their obsession with Ugg slippers, avocados and rugby boys.
The academic
Out of all the people on Freshers’ Week, this person is the most put together in your flat, even if you don’t see them as much. They’ll say they came to your uni for the course, and half their bags will be filled with notebooks and course reading (which, no matter how academic they are, will never get opened). They’ll try and keep to themselves for the first week and are an introvert through and through, but eventually they’ll warm up to your uni’s social life and will be out partying with the rest of you on a Monday night.
The one from your town
You’ll be in the club queue, chatting to the girls in front of you and introducing yourself when you’ll realise that you grew up literally down the street from them. After the inevitable shock and series of “no ways” you’ll inevitably start comparing everywhere you’ve ever been and everyone you’ve followed on Insta. This random connection is likely all you’ll need to become best friends with this girl and two years later neither of you will even be able to remember how you became friends.
For more like this look at all the types of people on Freshers’ Week and all the latest news, drops, quizzes and memes, like The Tab on Facebook.
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