The definitive ranking of every Islander from Love Island 2024
I still don’t know who Emma is
Love Island 2024 – season 11. How will it be remembered? Has this been a good season or not? At the end of the day, what it always actually really comes down to is that Love Island is defined by its Islanders and how good they are. Whilst Love Island 2024 has had its moments, it’s been a series that’s suffered casualties when huge characters and iconic Islanders got dumped early on and some of its worst have haunted us all the way to the finale. As is now tradition and literally my favourite thing to write every Love Island – here’s the definitive ranking of all the Islanders from 2024, ranked from worst to best.
And, boy – is it a mixed bag.
39. Sean

The only thing worse than Joey Essex is the snivelling sidekick who spent the entire season enabling and defending his master’s behaviour. Appalling and atrocious vibes that got steadily worse as the show went on. It’s criminal he’s made the final.
38. Joey

Fair play to ITV – they gagged us all when Joey Essex dropped into the villa as the day one bombshell. Literally no one expected it. Even The Sun hadn’t caught wind of his arrival after the show sent him to Mallorca via ferry so he wouldn’t be spotted at the airport. What a shame then that all it’s actually done is make the general public think he’s actually a bit of a tit. He’s gone from a well liked reality TV personality to someone everyone can’t stand.
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An antagoniser with a bitter streak, hardly an episode went by where he came out of it looking good. 33 years old and the biggest petulant child in there.
37. Lolly

Potentially the least bombshell-y bombshell of all time. Came in and tried to stir stuff up but just utterly crashed and burned and went home after like three days. Anyway!
36. Blade

Definitely my second favourite person called Blade. Wesley Snipes remains unbothered.
35. Lionel, 34. Jake, 33. Joel, 32. Lucy, 31. Ellie and 30. Moziah
The annual Casa Amor NPCs part of the Love Island 2024 ranked rundown! I do not know who this lot are and nor do you. We don’t need to waste anymore time on it.
29. Harry

Came in and said he was a really bubbly and fun guy who was going to tear it up and turn heads, but said it all in the most monotone way you’ve ever heard. I’m not even sure Harry believed his own conviction. Again, did a grand total of nothing in the villa at all. At… all.
28. Lola

Most notable for randomly playing footsie with Joey Essex, for some unknown reason. Whilst Reuben looked on.
27. Konnor

Surely wins the award for Islander who literally did nothing and got no airtime and barely had a single romantic connection but still managed to be on the show for over THREE WEEKS? How did that happen!? Seems like a nice enough bloke but he might as well have been in the Casa Amor flop bunch for all I know about him.
26. Emma

WHO’S EMMA!? EMMA? WHO ARE YOU!? I still have absolutely no clue, but we do have to tip our hats to a diva who gave us the biggest meme of the series. Cheers, chick!
25. Ruby

Didn’t get much of Ruby really but I kind of wish she did. She was one of the more memorable Casa Amor girlies and I liked her attitude.
24. Munveer

Got given the shit end of the stick, really. No one was in the villa who he vibed with so he just got left by the wayside. Poor fella. He seems lovely as well, and has been quite charming in all his post-villa endeavours.
23. Trey

An absolute utter weirdo but I’m kind of obsessed with him? The weird and jarring word choices he’d make? The shark like intense features? The fact he said he got into the villa because he manifested it? He’s like a spooky little wizard who fell into the body of a Love Island bloke. Fascinating character.
22. Hugo

Feel like he could have been a really spicy character if we got him a bit earlier on. The Casa bombshells… it’s like their fate is already sealed. He has the energy of a Bond villain. I rate it. Also rate the name Hugo Godfroy, sounds like he could be a villainous Harry Potter Hogwarts student.
21. Patsy

This is kind of cheating because I actually barely rated her on Love Island 2024 at all, but she’s getting ranked almost in the upper echelons purely for the laughs she’s brought to the table on TikTok. Where was that Patsy in the villa!?
20. Sam

And we’re at the halfway of all the Love Island 2024 Islanders ranked – who better to kick it off than our darling Sam? A man we knew for hardly any time but all collectively decided he was actually gorgeous and lovely. We don’t even know if he was, but it doesn’t matter. The hive mind have determined he was done dirty and I have to concur. Justice for Sam indeed!
19. Diamanté

Like Coco Lodge reincarnate – caused ultimate chaos and stood on BUSINESS. Had Sean shaking in his silly little sweet selling business. Never missed a trick. Stunt queen. Icon. Came in, lit her fireworks, made men tremble and went home. That’s a diva.
18. Nicole

I suppose quite a low ranking for a day one Islander in the most solid relationship in the villa, and someone who’s been a big character for the entire series. I do think Nicole is someone who means well and has her heart in the right place, with that heart being worn firmly on her sleeve. I just really struggle with how neurotic she was with Ciaran in the first half of the series and over Casa – I found it exhausting and like he could barely win sometimes. Kinda taints the vibes.
17. Matilda

Really like Matilda most of the time, it’s just the romantic company she keeps that makes me feel a bit iffy on her judge of character. One of my fave moments of the season was when she went and comforted Jessica after yet another Ayo faux pa. Bin Sean and you’ll climb up the Love Island 2024 Islanders ranked.
16. Ayo

Sometimes I’m really here for Ayo and then other times I think he’s the biggest idiot I’ve ever encountered. Like just CONSTANTLY fumbling the bag. It’s weird because he’s actually a great communicator and then he’ll be like “hmm, let me just utterly ruin the vibe” and tells the worst piece of info he can muster to the wrong person. Just beyond belief. And yet also kind of likeable? It’s a feat really.
15. Jessy

Really didn’t think I’d ever warm to Jessy after the whole Joey and Grace saga ending so messy, but despite the fact her and Matilda are chief defenders of the worst people in the villa I do actually think she’s a nice girl. Not truly wowing and bowing and do want to give her a little shake and tell her to bin him off, but I think she’s sweet.
14. Tiffany

Boo me if you wish, but I LOVE this ridiculous icon. I’m again just utterly fascinated by her. The entire raspberries thing that needs no introduction, the dolphin noises, the fact she’s had to do a story in the press this week saying “I’m normal I promise” cause the edit of Love Island made us all think she was a bit weird? Just comedy gold. Really truly wish her well.
13. Jess

I know Jess was a controversial character this season of Love Island, but the villa wouldn’t have been the same without her. I don’t know if it’s cause me and The White are both Stockport girlies, but I just kind of get her in a way that I think came across aggressive and bully-like to others who aren’t used to straight up and blunt girls. I kinda rate her and I think she was a crucial part of the series. She’s the prize, after all.
12. Omar

One of the only people early on who gave Joey Essex the energy he actually deserved. Honestly think Omar was done the most dirty out of any of the lads this year. I thought he could have been in it for the long haul if he got the right gal.
11. Wil

And if I said I’m getting Wil ranked 11th out of all the Love Island 2024 Islanders because I really fancy him, then what? What’s anyone going to do about it? It’s my ranking and I’ll be fickle if I want to! Well and truly phwoaring, and gorgeous taste in women. More on that to come.
10. Ronnie

A bit of a dark horse really. Kind of did my head in when he was in the villa but seeing him leave felt wrong. Something deeply iconic about he and Harriett’s post villa life – where they literally feel like 00s visuals of footie players with their WAG. I love it. They’re such a random pair but go together so good and every visual of them brings me endless joy. Also love how open he’s been about the hair stuff.
9. Reuben

Came in with the jarring energy of an overly perky CBBC presenter, and yet slowly became one of my fave Islanders. I honestly think for late arrivals Josh and Reuben might have been two of the best bombshells the shows ever thrown in – because they quickly found things with the girls and kind of won everyone over. Really nice vibes.
8. Ciaran

Just an all round lovely guy, from top to bottom. So sweet and genuine. Only 21 but a mature and caring head on his shoulders – and I also love that he always stands up for what is right and had no issue calling Joey out. Rate him so hard.
7. Josh

Josh has honestly been through a load of shite since he got in that villa, and I really do think he’s handled it all like a pro. A great communicator and someone who’s always been on the right side of history when it comes to arguments in the series. I really think he and Mimii have legs and I’m so happy for them. They’ll probably win tonight, and they deserve it.
6. Harriett

Just wow. Born to be on reality television. I would watch her do literally anything.
5. Grace

Never in my life if you’d asked me when she first came into the villa did I think I’d get Grace ranked in the Love Island 2024 top five. To be frank, I thought she had a horrible energy when she was with Joey. As soon as that went to pot, I think she became an iconic Islander. The way she handled herself through that entire situation and the way she battled every petty comment after was honestly exemplary. Kinda love her.
4. Samantha

Only on the show for like two weeks but her legacy never wavered. A great Islander dealt a shite card – but what an iconic exit. I love Scouse prins so much and she was just unreal. Get her back on an All Stars.
3. Jessica

Perhaps the most likeable Casa Amor arrival in the show’s history. It’s actually a testament to how sound Jess is that despite the fact she was what ended Ayo and Mimii, a coupling everyone rooted for, it never stood in the way of us all loving Jess. She’s just a really genuine, nice Islander who’s made us all laugh and has been through ups and downs the whole time. Love her holding Joey and Sean to account. Inject it.
2. Mimii

If my queen doesn’t win tonight I am going to kick right off. She has defined this series, in my opinion. Absolutely love her, and loved the friendship between these top two Islanders ranked as the highest of Love Island 2024. What a pair. Mimii is another Islander who’s just been through it all in the villa but always emerges head held high.
1. Uma
Just simply wow. The perfect Islander. Absolutely stunning inside and out, and it says a lot about how lovable she was that I literally cried at her leaving the villa. Do you understand how much I watch this show with an eye roll? And she still managed to move me to tears. An infinitely genuine and wonderful good person and she should have been in the final, if we’re being honest. Goddess.
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