The definitive ranking of every Woodgate flavour and what your choice says about you

Every woodgate is special: Here’s our ranking of all 12 from worst to best


If you haven’t tried a woodgate, you’re not a real Durham student. I don’t make the rules, it’s just that simple – unless you don’t drink, you should be dropping a sizeable proportion of your student loan on these bad boys. Woodgates are cultural enrichment and a life investment, I said what I said. You’ve definitely got a favourite flavour and I am about to either enable it or take the piss out of it. Get ready, because this is the definitive ranking of woodgate flavours from worst to best.

12. Apple and Blackcurrant

Apple & Blackcurrant

Erm, I didn’t even know that this one existed. It could be the best tasting of the lot and it is still completely irrelevant to me. I can only imagine that Jimmy’s bartenders get the ick when you order one of these. If you really love apple and blackberry that much then go back to Year 3 and have a fruit shoot. It honestly took me two proof-reads to realise it was blackcurrant rather than blackberry because I was that oblivious to its existence.

11. Blue


Oh, this one is going to be controversial. Blue is the most overrated flavour and it is giving total NPC energy if it’s your go to order. It basically tastes of nothing and resembles a bowling-alley slushie in an alcoholic form in all the worst ways imaginable. Grow up, get a personality and drink a proper flavour.

10. Soda & Berries

It tastes OK, but what sort of psychopath has this as their regular order? If I ever owed anyone a woodgate and they asked for this flavour, I would have to instantly reconsider how much I respect this person.

9. Tropical Fruits

Tropical Fruits

We’re starting to get into the decent flavours – this is not bad, but it does reek of trying a little bit too hard to be different. In theory it should pair well with vodka but in reality it is always a little bit disappointing. You will 100 per cent regret the £5 spent on it in the morning.

8. Ice


I don’t quite know what to think of this one. I can appreciate that it resembles a Smirnoff Ice and brings back some nostalgia, but let’s face the facts – it tastes a bit grim and reminds you of that awful chun you had when you were 14. There’s a time and a place for this flavour but that is not any time and place beyond Freshers’ Week.

7. Raspberry & Peach

Raspberry & Peach

It is decentttttt. Two flavours that really should not work together, but I have to admit there is a fun chemistry between them. Not at all my order of choice but if anyone wants to buy me one, I’ll happily take it on.

6. Apple & Mango

Apple & Mango

Solid flavour and easy to chop – if only your tongue wasn’t so green after one that even in the darkness of Jimmy’s anyone you make eye contact with can see it. The colour gives chaotic and bratty energy and I’m so here for it.

5. Black Cherry

Black Cherry

A good flavour, a very good flavour indeed. The sort of flavour that always does the trick when you fancy just the one woodgate for the evening – not much of a session drink, tends to get a bit sickly after a few. To be consumed in limited quantities.

4. Soda & Lime

Soda & Lime

Painfully underrated – the fizziness of it does risk the danger of a chun but the taste is second to none. It also allows you to feel like a boujee skinny b*tch with your sophisticated flavour while everyone else drinks Blue, Ice or Orange. You are different and classy in the best way possible if you drink this.

3. Watermelon


Ahh, this is going to be another controversial one. Look, I have a love affair with watermelon woodgates and I won’t be ashamed of it. I don’t even like watermelon as a fruit but there’s just something about these bad boys that keep you going all night. The day VK inevitably cut the flavour due to poor sales will be a very sad day for me.

2. Orange & Passionfruit

Orange & Passionfruit

Popular for a reason – it tastes nice, it’s easy to drink loads of them and it’s easy to chop. Not the most exciting but a reliable 8/10 drink that will keep you refreshed throughout the night and takes a nice twist on the traditional double vodka and orange. The streets of DH1 will never forget this masterpiece.

1. Strawberry & Lime

The GOAT. Come for me all you want, this is the best woodgate flavour and it always will be. Not many people’s favourite, but almost everyone’s second or third choice. I have never seen anyone turn one of these absolute weapons down and if they do, you should be asking serious questions of them. Universally loved and such an iconic symbol of both Jimmy’s and Durham.

Images via YouTube

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