House of the Dragon showrunner reveals whether Erryk or Arryk actually won *that* fight
They started to blur together towards the end
During the most recent episode of House of the Dragon, we saw a heartbreaking fight between twins Ser Erryk and Ser Arryk which led to one of them dying. This fight was caused by resident troublemaker Ser Criston Cole, who convinced Ser Arryk to pretend to be Ser Erryk in order to kill Rhaenyra. But soon after he enters her empty room he’s met by his twin brother and the two start fighting.
Because of their identical armour and appearance, it became very hard to spot who was who in the fight. Ultimately, one of the twins emerged victorious after killing the other in a fight to the death, erm but who actually won? Well, luckily for us House of the Dragon showrunner Ryan Condal has cleared up whether Ser Arryk or Ser Erryk actually won the fight.

In an interview with Decider, he revealed: “Erryk is the one that falls on his sword at the end, yeah. So, you know, Arryk is dead. The infiltrator is dead and then Erryk falls on the sword. So when he says, ‘Your Grace,’ to the queen, that’s when she knows who it is.” But even Ryan admitted: “They’re very hard to tell apart. Elliott has tattoos all over his arms, which is great when they’re not in costume. But the minute they put the costume on, you then can’t tell them apart.”
And to make the battle even more emotional, after Ser Erryk realises he’s killed his own brother he can’t handle the guilt, and decides to kill himself by falling on his own sword. Yikes.
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Featured images via HBO.