Japan to Indonesia: This is the full route they travel in Race Across the World series four
Don’t worry, this article isn’t as long as their 15,000km route
This year’s season four of BBC’s Race Across the World series four hasn’t finished quite yet. Five teams have been travelling across East Asia and it all started in Japan. To be frank, geography isn’t my strong point, I wouldn’t survive on this show. However, the route that the team have done so far has been mapped out for me already.
With four episodes to go, let’s take a look at where the pairs have travelled to. This is the full route they have taken on Race Across the World series four:
Sapporo to Nara City

via BBC
It all started in Sapporo, Japan where in episode one they had to find their way to Gango-ji-temple in Nara City. There was a big language barrier on this 1,600km journey but as long as they didn’t lose the map (apart from one pair) then they were fine.
Nara City to Sokcho

via BBC
From Japan to South Korea, the travellers soon had to journey to a different country – there was a brilliant sibling argument during this as taking a ferry does push the limits in episode two.
Hanoi to Phnom Penh

via BBC
Entering South East Asia, they travel from Vietnam’s capitol to Cambodia. If that wasn’t pressure enough, episode three was the first elimination for the backpackers and someone nearly lost a passport.
Phnom Penh to Mae Sariang

via BBC
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Another 1,400km into Thailand they went, it is feeling very “gap year” travels at this point in episode four. Again, obstacles were in the way such as giant lake which didn’t make the checkpoint end easy to find.
Mae Sariang to Koh Phi Phi

via BBC
All four teams went through Bangkok to the Phi Phi Islands in episode five with a long journey of 1,500 km. The pair in the lead were Betty and James by only 14 mins. The race is definitely on.
Koh Phi Phi to Bukittinggi
Episode six is when the remaining pairs navigating the whole length of Thailand (I can’t even navigate myself to the library) to Bukittinggi.
Final destination: Lombok
With four episodes to go, the team will eventually end up in Lombok, Indonesia. With a £20K prize fund, I would be racing as fast as I could.
Series four of Race Across The World is currently airing on BBC, with episodes available on iPlayer. For all the latest reality TV and entertainment news and gossip, like Pop Culture Shrine on Facebook.
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