Timothy calls out Tori for being an ‘arrogant smart ass’ with a ‘sleazeball’ husband

‘They’re both so desperate it’s almost laughable’

Timothy will come to major blows with Tori in tonight’s episode of MAFS Australia 2024, and since the show has ended he certainly has not held back on his real opinion of the bride and her husband Jack. Giving an explosive interview, Timothy accused Tori of being “one of the most arrogant people I’ve ever met” as well as being “desperate.”


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He explained: “I made a mistake on the show, which was giving Tori any sort of credibility. Now looking back, there’s a difference between arrogance and confidence and Tori’s got to be one of the most arrogant people I’ve ever met.

“And as for strong women, I’ve got strong women around me everywhere in their own businesses. And I look to them for advice. Tori needs about 20 years to grow up. She’s not a strong woman. She’s actually a smart ass, arrogant. Tori, look in your own backyard, because the sleaze ball is going to be revealed in the next couple of weeks.”

Timothy continued calling out Jack and Tori, calling the MAFS Australia 2024 couple “laughable” and both a “complete joke.” He said: “They’re both so desperate it’s almost laughable. Any woman in there, any true strong woman in their own right would actually kick him to the curb a long time ago. But it just shows how desperate Tori is. To have a guy with a six pack, which is absolutely a joke. He’s a joke and she’s a joke. And as for calling me out on on TV and radio, any time people, any time you want to go head to head, let me know.”

Yikes, the gloves well and truly are off and I have a feeling the next MAFS Australia 2024 dinner party is going to be a juicy one as Tim rips into Tori and Jack.