These are the subjects you need to study at Oxbridge to more than double your grad salary
In one subject, studying it at Oxbridge over any other uni will get you £47k more per year
You’d really hope that after you’ve got yourself into thousands of pounds worth of debt to get into uni, soldiered through all your 9ams and stress-wrote your dissertation in under a week that your degree would automatically give you a better salary after graduating. I mean, that £27 grand has got to be some sort of investment, right?
Well, this isn’t always the case and it (sadly) turns out that the uni you go to really does affect your grad salary. And surprise surprise it turns out that having a degree in the same subject from Oxford and Cambridge can actually double your salary compared to the exact same degree from any other uni.
The Telegraph found that going to Oxford or Cambridge boosts your salary by more than £15,000 overall and in three subjects it completely doubles it from any other university.
This “Oxbridge boost” is equal to a pay rise of over £16,800 five years after graduating. Analysing 18 subjects, the average wage of Oxbridge grads is £46,300 compared to £30,500 for grads of the same courses at all other unis. Don’t mind me just gonna commit identity fraud and pretend to be an Oxbridge grad.
So these are the degrees where going to Oxbridge can actually double your grad salary:
The biggest difference of them all, computer science grads normally secure a grad salary of £37,500 within five years of leaving uni but for those at Oxford and Cambridge, this can be as much as £85,000. Christ.
Oxbridge grads in law can also expect to more than double their salary with the average grad getting £31,200 but the Oxbridge grad getting £76,900. What, like it’s hard?
Business and management
Oxbridge grads who studied business and management make an average of £65,500 within five years of leaving uni whereas the lowly grads from all other unis can expect around £32,000.
Medicine is actually the only exception to the rule with Oxbridge grads actually earning LOWER than all other unis, albeit by a tiny amount. A University of Oxford spokesperson told The Telegraph this is due to Medicine being a six-year course at Oxbridge, rather than the five years everywhere else. Oxbridge medicine grads can expect £51,000 a year whereas the non-Oxbridge average is £52,600.
Get me an Oxbridge entrance exam stat!
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