The Lancaster and York Tabs’ ultimate guide to every event at Roses 2023
Maybe you could attend as many Roses events as physically possible at Roses 2023
With so many fixtures at Roses, it can seem daunting to plan your Roses weekend. What if you want to go to Ultimate Frisbee and College Netball, but they’re at the same time? Unfortunately, you can’t split yourself between both events, but perhaps this guide to every fixture at Roses 2023 will help you make a decision on how to spend your time.
Friday (AM)
College Netball B (Derwent v Grizedale) — 9:15am, Arena Three.
Volleyball (Men’s Second) — 9:30am, Arena One.
Swimming (Men’s) — 10:30am, Pool.
Swimming (Women’s) — 10:30am, Pool.
Ultimate Frisbee (Indoor Men’s) — 10:40am, Main Hall.
College Netball A (James v Lonsdale) — 10:45am, Arena Three.
Cricket (Women’s First) — 11:00am, 22 Acres Cricket Pitch One.
Ultimate Frisbee (Indoor Women’s) — 11:20am, Main Hall.
College Football B (Goodricke v Grizedale) — 11:30am, 22 Acres Football Pitch One.
Friday (PM)
Snowsports Racing (Ski Slalom) — 12:00pm, Pendle Hill Ski Slope.
Snowsports Racing (Snowboard Slalom) — 12:00pm, Pendle Hill Ski Slope.
Ultimate Frisbee (Indoor Mixed) — 12:00pm, Main Hall.
Volleyball (Women’s Second) — 12:00pm, Arena One.
Snowsports Racing — 12:00pm, Pendle Hill Ski Slope.
College Netball (College Select) — 12:15pm, Arena Three.
Hockey (Mixed Development) — 12:15pm, JLD.
Octopush (Mixed) — 1:30pm, Pool.
Football (Men’s Third) — 1:30pm, 22 Acres Football Pitch Five.
College Football (Men’s A, James v Bowland) — 2:00pm, 22 Acres Football Pitch One.
Cheerleading (Open) — 2:00pm, Main Hall.
Pool (Open Seconds) — 2:00pm, DBar.
Waterpolo (Men’s) — 3:15pm, Pool.
Futsal (Men’s) — 3:30pm, Arena One.
Waterpolo (Women’s) — 4:30pm, Pool.
Lacrosse (Men’s OPENING CEREMONY) — 5:30pm, Track Pitch.
Lacrosse (Women’s OPENING CEREMONY) — 7:30pm, Track Pitch.
Pool (Men’s) — 9:00pm, DBar.
Saturday (AM)
Sailing (Open First) — 8:00am, Ripon Sailing Club.
Sailing (Open Second) — 8:00am, Ripon Sailing Club.
Most Read
Fencing (Men’s Second) — 9:00am, Main Hall.
Fencing (Women’s Second) — 9:00am, Main Hall.
Martial Arts Event (Exhibition) — 9:00am, RKC.
Hockey (Women’s Third) — 9:15am, JLD.
Korfball (Mixed First) — 9:30am, Arena Three.
Netball (Thirds) — 9:30am, Arena One.
Football (Women’s Second) — 9:30am, 22 Acres Football Pitch.
Climbing (Lead, Men’s A Team) — 10:00am, Parthian Climbing Harrogate
Climbing (Lead, Women’s A Team) — 10:00am, Parthian Climbing Harrogate
Climbing (Lead, Men’s Individual) — 10:00am, Parthian Climbing Harrogate
Climbing (Lead, Women’s Individual) — 10:00am, Parthian Climbing Harrogate
Tennis (Women’s First) — 10:00am, Tennis Courts One.
Lacrosse (Women’s Second) — 10:30am, 22 Acres Pitch Eight.
Cricket (Men’s Second) — 10:30am, 22 Acres Cricket Pitch Two.
Rugby Union (Men’s Third) — 10:30am, 22 Acres Rugby Pitch 12.
Table Tennis (Open Second) — 10:30am, Main Hall.
Table Tennis (Open First) — 10:30am, Main Hall.
Hockey (Men’s Third) — 10:45am, JLD.
Badminton (Men’s First) — 11:00am, Arena 3.
Badminton (Women’s First) — 11:00am, Arena 3.
Tennis (Men’s Second) — 11:00am, Tennis Courts 4.
Darts (Open Second) — 11:00am, DBar.
Debating (Open) — 11:00am, V/N/045.
Netball (Seconds) — 11:30am, Arena One.
Football (Women’s First) — 11:30am, Athletics Track Pitch.
Saturday (PM)
Football (Men’s Second) — 12:00pm, 22 Acres Football Pitch Five.
Fencing (Men’s First) — 12:00pm, Main Hall.
Powerlifting (Open) — 12:00pm, Gym.
Hockey (Women’s Second) — 12:15pm, JLD.
Rugby Union (Women’s Second) — 12:30pm, 22 Acres Rugby Pitch 13.
Squash (Women’s Second) — 12:30pm, Squash Courts Three and Four.
Squash (Men’s Second) — 12:30pm, Squash Courts One and Two.
Pole Exercise (Open) — 1:00pm, Hendrix Hall.
Lacrosse (Mixed) — 1:00pm, 22 Acres Pitch Eight.
Netball (First) — 1:30pm, Arena One.
Football (Men’s First) — 1:30pm, Athletics Track Pitch.
Hockey (Men’s Second) — 1:45pm, JLD.
Cycling Circuit (Open) — 2:00pm, Cycle Track.
Tennis (Men’s First) — 2:00pm, Tennis Courts One.
Darts (Women’s First) — 2:00pm, DBar.
Rugby Union (Men’s Second) — 2:30pm, 22 Acres Rugby Pitch 12.
Volleyball (Men’s First) — 3:00pm, Arena Three.
Fencing (Women’s First) — 3:00pm, Main Hall.
Hockey (Women’s First) —3:15pm, JLD.
Vice Chancellor Fixture (Table Tennis) — 3:30pm, Main Hall.
Handball (Men’s) — 3:30pm, Arena One.
Squash (Women’s First) — 4:30pm, Squash Courts Three and Four.
Squash (Men’s First) — 4:30pm, Squash Courts One and Two.
Cricket (Men’s Third) — 4:30pm, 22 Acres Cricket Pitch Two.
Canoe Polo (Open) — 4:30pm, Yearsley Pool.
Hockey (Men’s First) — 4:45pm, JLD.
Handball (Women’s) — 5:30pm, Arena One.
Canoe Polo (Women’s) — 5:30pm, Yearsley Pool.
Trampolining (Open) — 6:00pm, Main Hall.
Darts (Men’s First) — 6:00pm, DBar.
American Football (Mixed) — 6:00pm, Athletics Track Pitch.
Dance (All formats) — 6:30pm, Central Hall.
Volleyball (Women’s first) — 6:30pm, Arena Three.
Basketball (Men’s Second) — 7:30pm, Arena One.
Sunday (AM)
Badminton (Women’s Second) — 9:00am, Main Hall.
Badminton (Men’s Second) — 9:00am, Main Hall.
Golf (Mixed) — 9:06am, Fulford Golf Club.
Indoor Hockey (Women’s Second) — 9:15am, Showcourt.
Canoe Whitewater (Men’s) — 10:00am, Abbey Rapids.
Canoe Whitewater (Women’s) — 10:00am, Abbey Rapids.
Climbing (Bouldering, Men’s A) — 10:00am, Freeklime.
Climbing (Bouldering, Women’s A) — 10:00am, Freeklime.
Climbing (Bouldering, Men’s Individual) — 10:00am, Freeklime.
Climbing (Bouldering, Women’s Individual) — 10:00am, Freeklime.
Archery (Senior Team Open) — 10:0oam, 22 Acres College Football Pitch Eight.
Archery (Senior Team Male) — 10:0oam, 22 Acres College Football Pitch Eight.
Archery (Senior Team Female) — 10:0oam, 22 Acres College Football Pitch Eight.
Archery (Novice Team Open) — 10:0oam, 22 Acres College Football Pitch Eight.
Archery (Novice Team Male) — 10:0oam, 22 Acres College Football Pitch Eight.
Archery (Novice Team Female) — 10:0oam, 22 Acres College Football Pitch Eight.
Indoor Hockey (Men’s Second) — 10:15am, Showcourt.
Mountain Biking (Open) — 10:30am, York Sport Village.
Rugby Union (Mens First) — 10:30am, 22 Acres Rugby Pitch 12.
Boxing (Exhibition) — 11:00am, Central Hall.
Cricket (Men’s First) — 11:00am, 22 Acres Cricket Pitch One.
Tennis (Mixed) — 11:00am, Tennis Courts One.
Ballroom Dancing (Beginners Ballroom) — 11:00am, Vanbrugh Dining Hall.
Ballroom Dancing (Non-Beginners Ballroom) — 11:00am, Vanbrugh Dining Hall.
Ultimate Frisbee (Outdoor Open) — 11:15am, Athletics Track Pitch.
Indoor Hockey (Women’s First) — 11:15am, Showcourt.
Sunday (PM)
Snooker (Open First) — 12:00pm, Castle Snooker Club.
Badminton (Mixed) — 12:00pm, Main Hall.
Indoor Hockey (Men’s First) — 12:15pm, Showcourt.
Ultimate Frisbee (Outdoor Women’s) — 1:00pm, Athletics Track Pitch.
Rugby Union (Women’s First) — 1:00pm, Rugby Pitch Twelve.
Motorsport (Exhibition) — 1:00pm, Tockwith Outdoor Karting.
Ballroom Dancing (Beginners Latin) — 1:30pm, Vanbrugh Dining Hall.
Ballroom Dancing (Non-Beginners Latin) — 1:30pm, Vanbrugh Dining Hall.
Basketball (Women’s First) — 2:00pm, Showcourt.
Ultimate Frisbee (Outdoor Men’s) — 2:45pm, Athletics Track Pitch.
Basketball (Men’s First) — 4:00pm, Showcourt.
Ballroom Dancing (Team Knockout) — 4:30pm, Vanbrugh Dining Hall.
CLOSING CEREMONY — 6:30pm, Showcourt.
Featured images via Roseslive website.