I used an online tutor to help me with my essay and got a 2:1

Your saviour is here

This isn’t a new scenario to me – coursework due at 16:59pm the next day, it’s 23:30pm and I’ve just restarted this essay for the thousandth time. Considering I was forced to teach myself most of the curriculum, I know this is going to be 2,000 words of absolute guesswork and my caffeine-fuelled mind will not cut it tonight.

It was in these final, desperate hours that I reached out to the internet, searching for, ‘How to pull an all-nighter,’ and, ‘How to apply for mitigating circumstances when you’re a lazy little procrastinator who put off doing any work until the last possible minute.’

The struggle was real. But then I found TutorMe.

Need some immediate assistance on that essay questions or exam prep? Then sign up to TutorMe now and they’ll match you with a tutor within 30 seconds

The website offered a 30 minute free trial, which I could only take as a sign that my self-inflicted bad luck was about to take a turn for the better. I entered my essay question as my final plea for help.

Within 30 seconds they had matched me with Eilis, my rescuer. Who knew you could develop such a strong and deep love so quickly for someone you had never met before?

Over the next 90 minutes, I filled her in on my essay question, on how I had pages upon pages of notes yet no real argument and that I really needed help with a structure to get my long-dried-up creative juices flowing once again.

TutorMe is like Uber for tutors – sign up now and within 30 seconds they’ll match you with a tutor chosen specifically for your needs 

She asked me about the subject, what my ideas had been so far and how they could be used for this essay. As we spoke, Eilis managed to help me make sense of the jumble of notes I had been putting together over the past couple of weeks.

At this point I was hedging my degree on someone I had never met. This 20 minutes was possibly the longest 20 minutes of my life.

And then the angel Eilis sent me this:

This is only a section of the three page plan Eilis created for me. I know.

For £30 her suggestions included everything from quotes, extra reading and key points to argue. Eilis even went above and beyond by recommending secondary readings I could use to better my mark.

For once, I actually had a clear direction in which to take this essay. By providing me with a plan, I could make sense of the masses of ideas and thoughts I had been gathering in my head. Most importantly though, it gave me reassurance I could get it done.

With TutorMe you could get a 2:1 too – sign up now to receive your first 30 minute lesson absolutely free

Going through TutorMe meant I could get help there and then. I didn’t have to book an appointment with my lecturer, I didn’t have to wait until a ‘reasonable hour’ to hear a response – I was able to have the help I needed immediately, at any hour, from the comfort of my own home. The stress was finally gone, a feeling of enlightenment rushed over me. I finally understood what I was doing, so I sat down and wrote it.

Speed ahead three weeks and the results were in. I had done it – a 2:1 against the odds.

Until next time my friend.

TutorMe is a global online tutoring service that is available on-demand and enables thousands of students worldwide to get the help they need – sign up now for your first 30 minutes absolutely free