Goodbye ‘nul points’: The very best thing about Eurovision

They’ve changed the rules and it’ll be much more boring


“Nul points” is the cruellest putdown the Eurovision Song Contest offers. It is also the funniest part of the while rigmarole. And now it’s gone, and they just made the show a lot more confusing.

This year, there will be twice as many points bestowed on the acts: one set from the public and another from that country’s professional jury (probably not Simon Cowell). Both can award from one to eight points, and then give 10 and 12 to their favourites.

They’re calling it the biggest change in Eurovision history, which probably has nothing to do with declining viewing figures. Maybe there were also fears that if Britain got handed too many nul points, it would push us over the edge into leaving Europe – we’re pretty sensitive. Here’s a video of Blue at Eurovision when they came an embarrassing 14th.

Jon Ola Sand, the EBU’s executive supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest, said the changes are an attempt to keep the contest “relevant and in pace with shifting media trends”. He added: “The change will lead to a more dynamic voting sequence and keep the suspense and entertainment levels high right until the end of the voting.”