
I got my own apartment before I graduated high school

My year off before college was full of life lessons bundled in a sick apartment

Can the primaries be over already? I am so sick of Bernie Sanders’ supporters

Clinton has earned the votes, and is going to be the nominee – accept it

Grieving my boyfriend’s death in college is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do

‘I didn’t think I was going to be able to do it, but I knew that he was my biggest supporter and I couldn’t let him down’

What it’s like being a girl that loves sports

No, I’m not trying to be ‘one of the guys’

Coming out before college was one of the best decisions I’ve made

Oh man, am I glad came out before college

I went to the Biden event and it was a disrespectful mess

Biden was great – but the rest of it was a disaster

The man who raised me to be the woman I am today told me a ‘woman shouldn’t be president’

‘You raised me not to let a man tell me what I was worth, yet there you were, doing exactly that’

Hillary Clinton has shown her true colors, yet again

Hillary not only lies but has recently said that young voters are ‘naive and lazy’

I limited myself to wheelchair-accessible routes for an entire day

You can’t understand the life of another person until you walk a day in their shoes