Coming out before college was one of the best decisions I’ve made

Oh man, am I glad came out before college

So, I am a gay college student. How’s that for starting an article?

Anyway, I have known I was gay for a while now. The first time I could confirm it was probably when I was in the boys locker room in seventh grade and saw one of the football players take his shirt off. I really liked it, but once I knew it was wrong and other boys weren’t having these thoughts, I pushed that in the back of my mind. These feelings were suppressed until I came out my senior year in high school. January 4th, 2014 to be exact.

I am so glad I came out before college because with all the depression I was going through I could not have handled it with all the schoolwork on top of my personal life, too. Suppressing something like that can tear you apart inside. I’m lucky that I was never bullied for being gay the last few months of high school – I’m pretty sure it is because everyone already assumed. Coming out before college was a smart move on my part – I learned about a lot about myself. I also learned that guys (even gay guys) are assholes.

My heart is pretty much all ice at this point in my life. I have loved and learned and had my heart broken the very first time I hooked up with a guy. I actually fell for him, and he broke my heart. From there on out I started sleeping around and not getting attached to anyone. If I didn’t come out before college I would have been even worse. Guys lie, cheat, and are not what you expect.

Those few months before college while I was discovering myself were amazing. A whole new world opened up, and I had to figure out who I was again out in the open. I feel if I didn’t come out before college a lot of my life would be different, and I would have way too much on my mind to even be in college.

Simply put, coming out before college was a smart move on my part. Now I am just waiting for the rest of my life to come full circle and for my life to actually start. I felt re-born after coming out, and it feels amazing!

University of Pittsburgh boys college coming out gay happy homosexual january national-us pittsburgh student