
Don’t tell me my English degree will be useless

The next time I hear someone say that English is an easy major, I’m just going to hand them my 2,000 page Review of American Literature book

Why you don’t have to drink at the #1 party school in the country

Drinking at U of I is all fun and games until you’re ‘that drunk person’ at a party

Tony Comtois is a former homeless drug addict – and he’s the most inspiring man I’ve ever met

The day I spent with him showed me the reality of homelessness in Illinois

Sophomore basketball player arrested for pulling a knife at The Canopy Club

He was kicked out of the venue earlier

I got a concussion the night before my first ever college final

A projector fell on my face

I eat at Burrito King completely sober and I love it

Best burritos in Chambana

Safe Rides simply isn’t good enough

You might as well just call an Uber