Mark my words: Taylor and Harry are definitely getting back together

Let’s walk through the evidence, SHALL WE?!

I know my credibility is shot as I've cried wolf before — but I really mean it this time!

Based on evidence I've collected over the past few months, I can state with lots of confidence (probably too much) that Taylor and Harry, HAYLOR, will rise again and get back together.

Let's walk on back through the evidence, gang, because I've got THINGS and FEELINGS to talk about.

Harry's new lyrics are a total mirror of 'Style'

I was hyperventilating when I saw this, y'all. Look at the lyrics to Harry's new song, "Two Ghosts", written around when 1989 came out:

Same lips, red

Same eyes, blue

Same white shirt

That's a total reference to Taylor's song about him, the aptly named Style, in which she sings about red lips and a white t-shirt. And what's more, she refers to herself as a ghost later on in the album.

From her song "This Love":

Your kiss, my cheek, I watched you leave

Your smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees

Hmmm. Suspect? This wouldn't be the first time he's written about her. He has a song called "Ever Since New York" which seems to pair with her "Welcome to New York" (and even more on-point, her liner notes that spell out "We begin our story in New York") and his 1D song "Perfect" is blatantly about her with lyrics referencing her writing break-up songs about him.

Are you shaking yet? Because I am shooketh.

That Rolling Stone interview

Also known as Harry's five-paragraph love letter to Taylor. He really praises the shit out of her, and reflects on their relationship. Some of his quotes include things like:

You’re celebrating the fact it was powerful and made you feel something, rather than ‘this didn’t work out, and that’s bad.’ And if you run into that person, maybe it’s awkward, maybe you have to get drunk … but you shared something.

Take it from me, someone with a long list of ex-lovers who will tell you I'm insane: if you have to get drunk because you ran into an ex, you're not over them. What's that quote you see all over Tumblr? "If it hurts, you still care." Facts ONLY, bish.

Taylor has been laying suspiciously low

Yes, she's recording her new album, but do you remember how extra she was last time she was in the studio? We had pap pics every single day. That was her whole looking-good-coming-out-of-the-gym era for fuck's sake! It's good publicity for her to be spotted while laying down some new tracks. And yet…she's absent. Nowhere to be found.

You know who else isn't giving us a ton of pap pics? Harry Styles.

I mean, for someone trying to promote a new album, he's really sticking to the cookie-cutter promo stuff, isn't he? Unless there was a reason for this…. OK fine, this is a reach but still.

That blind item in an Australian tabloid

Australian tabloid New Weekly, ran anonymous source quoted as saying, “Four years on, Haylor are older, wiser… and ready to give their love another shot" as Harry has "matured" and ready to be "the man she needs." Kind of a bold assertion to make about someone literally nicknamed Sue-ift.

Call it wishful thinking, but I call it logic. Haylor will RISE, you guys.