Trojan doesn’t need to market condoms to women — we’re responsible enough to buy them anyway

Although the purple is cute

This week, Trojan unveiled their new XOXO campaign — targeted at women — and within minutes, headlines claiming it might spell the end for the condom industry were plastered on every site from the NY Times, to the NY Post.

Aside from seeming a bit dramatic, this really only leaves me with one question: Did you all think we weren’t going to buy them anyway?

The campaign — aimed at making us more comfortable with buying condoms — introduces a “new product” that is literally just a condom, except it comes in “gender neutral colors” like purple, and includes a carrying case that makes it “easy to slip into a purse,” which their Co. has described as a “discreetly decorated box.”

Now I don’t want to sound ungrateful — the purple really is cute, and that packaging looks like Tiffany’s — but I was honestly planning on buying the ugly blue ones before this all happened. Red, blue, yellow, green — I don’t give a fuck, I’m really just trying to keep it all on lock downstairs, if you know what I mean.

Similarly to tampons, we all have a lot less shame about buying these products than we’re given credit for. I parade those things down the damn hall. Call us responsible, but safe sex seems worth the potentially embarrassing encounter at the register.

With illegal “trends” like stealthing coming to the forefront, we hardly imagine they care about the color either. So no, the color of the condom probably won’t spell the end for the condom industry, but hey, men might!