It’s the Trans Day of Visibility, so let’s shine a light on our trans friends and family

Here’s how you can participate

March 31, is the International Trans Day of Visibility, a day dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of trans* and gender non-conforming people while simultaneously raising awareness about how much work still needs to be done in the long fight for equality.

If you are a feminist, you are here for International TDoV — regardless of your own orientations and identities, we all stand up for each other. So often trans issues are placed on the back-burner when they should be front and center. If this country is truly concerned with “justice and liberty for all”, today is a day we can focus on proving it.

Earlier this year, Trump rescinded Obama’s directive on bathroom issues, allowing transgender students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their own gender identity — and did so despite reservations from Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

It is now more than ever that we need to stand in solidarity with and celebrate, the trans people in our lives as well as shine a light on them when offered permission to do so.

If you aren’t in San Fransisco for the gathering today, you can still check out the website to find events in your area or find out how to join via Livestream.