The girl who sued her school for not letting her on the boys’ basketball team was just expelled

Probably afraid she’ll whoop their asses

New Jersey seventh grader Sydney Phillips sued her school, St. Theresa School in Kenilworth, because they wouldn’t allow her to join the boys’ team when there weren’t enough girls to form a girls one.

“They don’t want me playing on the team because they know I’m better than them. I beat them all the time playing one-on-ones,” she said in an interview following the incident. And we agree.

“This is unbelievable. We just wanted her to play basketball,” her father said. But apparently her school had other plans.

To me this sounds like a girl who knows what she is capable of.

On Wednesday, she was expelled.

The school sent a letter home to her parents saying she and her sister should not attend St. Theresa “tomorrow morning or any day thereafter.”

“I don’t know what we’re going to do next, but we’re still going to fight,” her father told the New York post.

Because the school is protected by its religious status, however, Sydney’s family will have a difficult time getting a leg up on them.

That said, if they can’t handle her being on the boy’s team because she identifies as a girl, it’s probably because they’re afraid of her.

And if they’re afraid of her, she’s probably a better fighter than we think.

So here’s hoping she goes out there and wins this for girls everywhere. We’ll be rooting for you, Sydney.