Sasha Obama missed her dad’s farewell speech because she was studying

Girl better get an A

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If you’re wondering where 15-year-old Sasha Obama was at her father’s farewell speech last night, according to Mark Knoller, CBS News White House correspondent, she stayed in D.C. to prepare for an exam at school on Wednesday.

Now we’ve all missed out on a number of things to stay in and study the night before an exams: eating, sleeping, drinking – scratch that last one. We hold grudges against our teachers because now we’ll never know what happened on the most recent episode of The Bachelor – until we watch a re-run later.

But Sasha really ruined it for us this time.

I can’t think of a single excuse to miss class that lives up to: “I want to watch my father, President Obama, deliver his farewell address to the country.”

What’s almost more hilarious is imaging the petty conversation between her and her teacher that followed.

Sasha: “Can I miss the exam to go to my father’s farewell address?”

Teacher: “I don’t know, CAN you?”

And Twitter is losing it.

We just hope teachers don’t get any ideas.

Hope you ace that exam, girl. The entire country is rooting for you.