Mike Pence promised me ‘a great job’ after college if Trump wins this year

Thanks, Mike


Mike Pence, Trump’s running mate, made a campaign stop in Tucson, Arizona this week – and he personally promised us “a great job” after graduation if The Donald gets elected.

After speaking to a crowd filled with the elderly in Tucson’s Fox Theater, Pence shook my friend Emilio’s hand and told us: “With Trump and I in office, you will have a great job waiting for you after college.” Thanks, Mike.

We had just seen him deliver a speech with the refrain of “Make the Economy Great Again”, a riff on Trump’s well-known slogan. The good cop to Trump’s bad cop, Pence reminisced on his struggles as a rookie small business owner in Indiana – his stories seemed to connect with the crowd. They loved it when he took audience questions, picking people out from high schoolers to the aged.

He told them: “It seems like the entire country is crying out for something new. Let’s just decide here and now, in Tucson, that Hillary Clinton will never become president.”

And referring to Trump, he said: “He is a fighter. He is a winner, and up until very recently he has been doing it all on his own.”

The evangelical Pence appeals to the Christian right of Trump’s fanbase – and the audience yelled “Amen!” after many of Pence’s punchlines.

They also applauded when a protester was removed shouting: “You are not welcome!”

Trump rallies in Arizona have turned ugly in the past, and protesters have clashed with supporters outside at other events. But the only dissenters here were a preacher passing out Bible verses, a solitary Bernie Sanders supporter, and a homeless man who was speaking about the injustices of the world we live in.

Like most Trump town halls in Arizona, the GOP Chairman Robert Graham introduced the main act. He spoke of the great potential Southern Arizona could have on Arizona’s economy as a whole. Graham sees Tucson becoming the industrial capital of Arizona and claims electing Donald Trump would cut taxes and regulations and improve income mobility and growth in the state.

He mentioned Southern Arizona’s copper mines re-opening, technology manufacturing possibilities, and other various types of manufacturing jobs. Trump supporters in the room, numbering around 1000, went wild.

Compare Pence’s speech to Trump’s, who was meanwhile speaking in Ashburn, Virginia, where he made headlines for ejecting a mother and her crying baby:

Pence rally tally

Hearing aids: 200
Minutes late: 15
Ronald Reagan name drops: 2
Hecklers thrown out: 1