Communications majors aren’t just after a Mrs. degree

News flash: journalism majors have brains too

For those who are unaware, a Mrs. degree is one that refers to young females who pursue a communications, journalism, or PR degree with no intentions of having a career after college. Whether or not you actually believe in this ideal, it happens at universities around the world. But contrary to popular belief, all female communications majors aren’t just looking to be trophy wives. Some of us, actually many of us, have lofty goals after graduation and are working very hard during our four years to make sure that we are as prepared as possible once we walk across the stage.

Girls all over the country have been taught from a very young age that the importance of finding a “male suitor” in the year or so after college is crucial to making your way up the social chain of commands. A man to take care of them emotionally, financially and everything in-between.

When going to college these young women choose majors that are deemed to be easy. Majors such as communications, journalism or PR so they will have an education, with the intentions of never doing anything with their degree after graduation. This is frustrating for me as a fellow journalism student because it makes us look bad.

Not only does it make journalism students look bad, but it makes women in general look very shallow and callous. Believe it or not, I look forward to having an amazing husband, but also working my booty off in media to better myself and my career. My fellow female journalism students I’m sure agree with me when I say that it makes us upset to hear the general public paints us with a broad brush stroke.

We should be advocating for young girls to pursue their dreams rather than pressuring them into becoming trophy wives. They instead should be taught in middle school that they can study anything and everything they want. They can be whoever they want to be. If that means dying their hair purple and playing in a rock band or joining the basketball team, let them. In this day and age there should be no guidelines for the way a girl  should act or the things she should do. Including just getting a Mrs. degree.

Personally, I think it is sad when I hear packs of girls in the cafs talk about what types of occupation they want their future husbands to have. Or how many kids they think they can handle and at what age they want to start a family. Why should that be the only thing to define you? For all we know, those girls who do only get a Mrs degrees could’ve been a successful CEO of a company or a cardiologist who saves peoples lives. But instead, they were taught to let the man in her relationship deal with working. That it is too strenuous for a women to be in the work force and be a wife/mother. Why are we limiting the success of our future female generations?