Stop complaining, you know you secretly love wedding season

Because who doesn’t want to party with their friends, family, and SO’s?

It’s that time of year again where everyone seems to decide it’s time to tie the knot.

This July I will be the first of my friends to stand at the alter at age 22. Although everyone is excited and supportive of my marriage, I see a lot of negative feedback online about wedding season in general. Honestly, it sucks planning a whole wedding only to see people complain about how obnoxious wedding season is for them because they have to spend money on gifts, hotels, tickets, etc. It is understandable, but sometimes it makes women feel crappy about getting married.

For all the ladies who are getting married or thinking of marriage, do not let these people put you down. Even if marriage is far away from you, know that all these negative articles are insignificant compared to your future special moment. Some people are jaded and forget that wedding season is a very important time for many couples – instead they complain about how bored they will be and gossip about “bridezillas”.

Photography by Christy Nicole.

Personally, I love going to weddings because it brings me so much joy and happiness to partake in a momentous and special ceremony. That to me is something priceless and beautiful. Plus there is an awesome party afterwards. Honestly weddings are the best type of party. If you thought that Sweet Sixteens, Eighteenth birthdays, greek parties, or twenty-first birthdays where a ton of fun just wait until you go to a wedding. So in attempt to counter all these negative lists about wedding season, here is a list on why wedding season is actually the best season.

Seeing family and friends

It is common for our generation to move often, which means we are never really close to our family and old friends. Weddings is a great excuse unite friends and family that we have not seen in awhile.

A chance to meet new people

Sometimes the best type of parties are the ones where you do not know anyone. You never know who you will meet at a wedding!

You get to party with your friends

Weddings are the best excuse to get together with your ladies and friends. Grab a glass of champagne and celebrate!

Adorable favors for the bridesmaids!

Fantastic excuse for photos

Need a new profile picture? Suck at taking selfies? Wedding season has your back. Odds are you will be with friends and family that you haven’t seen in awhile. You get the opportunity to capture moments with people you normally do not get the chance to see.

Chance to have a getaway with your SO or meet one if you’re single

Sometimes we need a vacation to decompress with our loved ones. Wedding season is the perfect time to do this. It gives you an excuse to getaway for a day or two and take a break from work with your significant other. And if you’re single, it is very possible you may meet your future significant other at a wedding. I mean the theme is love, right? Plus, the a mini vacation never hurts.

You get play dress up

Have a dress you are dying to showoff? Wedding season let’s you justify that cocktail dress you got from a Memorial Day weekend sale. You get an excuse to dress up with your girlfriends and take over town for an evening.

Hitting up our friend’s wedding down in Atlanta!

But you aren’t the center of attention

Trust me ladies (and especially gentlemen), it is totally okay to recycle outfits during wedding season. I literally wore the same dress to my sister’s rehearsal dinner, a bridal shower, and one other wedding and no one even noticed. Just avoid repeating with the same audience.

Leftover wedding decorations

Friends or family of the bride and groom? Looking to do some fun arts and crafts over the summer? Lucky for you the peak season for weddings are in June and I can assure you the newlyweds are dying to get rid of all the leftover mason jars, candle holders, and other little decorations they have accumulated.

Immersion in other cultures and traditions

One of the things I love about going to my friends’ weddings is witnessing their culture and traditions through a wedding celebration. Recently I went to a beautiful Venezuelan-Ethiopian wedding and it was one of the funnest weddings I have ever attended. I am now officially addicted toVenezuelan dishes and learned how to dance Ethiopian style. My shoulders will never be the same. 

Wedding favors – Matchbooks, wine stoppers, bottle openers.. oh my!

Not only do you get to take a vacation to see your friends and family, but you also get awesome souvenirs! Plus side of these souvenirs is their sentimental value.  It’s a win-win.

And most importantly, you get to witness a beautiful marriage

My beautiful sister, Amanda, and her now husband, Jansen. Photography by Christy Nicole.