Trump has been officially elected the GOP nominee and there’s nothing anyone can do about it

No-one can stop him

According to the BBC, Donald J Trump is the official Republican nominee and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

In a process that has been dragging on since 2015, Trump secured the votes of enough real human people to take him over the 1,237 delegate threshold needed to win.

Trump was put over the top in the AP delegate count by a few of the party’s unbound delegates who said they would support him at the convention taking his total to 1,238.

Trump in Florida

Among them is Oklahoma GOP chairwoman Pam Pollard. She told AP: “I think he has touched a part of our electorate that doesn’t like where our country is.

“I have no problem supporting Mr Trump.”

There are 303 delegates at stake in primaries on June 7th, including California, which carries more than any other state.

Steve House, an unbound delegate who confirmed his support of Trump to AP, said he likes the billionaire’s background as a businessman.

“Leadership is leadership,” House said. “If he can surround himself with the political talent, I think he will be fine.”