Supporter of baby killer Lucy Letby spoke to students at University of Liverpool last week

Richard Gill previously shared content proclaiming Letby’s innocence and gave an informal talk on her case

10 things all Liverpool students should definitely be giving up for Lent

This year I’m giving up… literally x

10 University of Liverpool things that make you feel like a proper functioning adult

Adulthood looms and I am not happy about it one bit

Come and write for us! The Liverpool Tab is recruting new writers of all abilities

Our open meeting will take place on 15th February at the Guild – you’re invited

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Five underrated Smithdown Road food spots that every Liverpool student must try

Fancy dinner out or a chilled takeaway night in? Be sure to check these places out

Saltburn to skinny scarves: Uni micro-trends you’ll definitely see in 2024

Are you even a student if you didn’t get one of these for Christmas?

Liverpool students forced into temporary housing after no electricity or water for days

Students at The Exchange were left without heating whilst temperatures reached lows of -2 degrees

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How to beat the January exam and assessment blues as a Liverpool student

Most get slapped in the face by reality on January 2nd but for students who have January deadlines, reality hits just a bit harder

12 New Year’s Resolutions Liverpool students should make but definitely won’t stick to

Take a shot if you have failed one already

I spent Christmas break hunting Liverpool’s leprechauns and this is what I discovered

What’d you do for Christmas?