The best places for a nap on Warwick campus

Nap time anyone?

Although term one has only just begun it would seem that exhaustion is an inescapable part of being a Warwick student.

No matter where you look, you’re guaranteed to find at least one person desperately clutching onto their fifth cup of coffee hoping that it will be enough to help them through their day. Maybe you’ve developed a caffeine addiction or taken on too many societies? Maybe you’ve discovered that your course being labeled as challenging was, in fact, not just a joke. Maybe you’ve tried bravely to combine being an academic weapon and a social butterfly and had to spend one lecture too many with a pounding headache. We could all use a break.

And what better way to take a break from all the stress of studying than to take a nap? But where would be the best place for that? Check out our ratings!

1. The library 10/10

The Library undoubtedly sits at the top of the list for best places to nap. Not only is it open 24/7, ensuring you won’t have to worry about getting violently woken up by security and kicked out of the building, but it also has a couple of microwaves and vending machines if you ever wake up from your nap feeling peckish. The library also has the breathing space, quite literally designed for relaxation and getting some quick shuteye. What’s more, if you go to one of the quiet floors you won’t have to worry about the noise levels or anyone bothering you with unwanted small talk as you’re trying to fall asleep.

Alternatively, if you’re feeling brave enough to sacrifice the quiet for some comfort you could try securing one of the booths in the collaborative zones for yourself. The booth will provide some sense of privacy and the soft, comfortable material will prevent you from waking up with terrific neckache.

2. The FAB 7/10

If, by some divine intervention, you manage to find yourself a seat in one of the FAB’s study areas you can count yourself lucky. It means that you’ve not only just found a place to procrastinate doing all your work but also another prime napping spot.

Admittedly, as the FAB is quite large, it would be hard to say that all of it is good for sleeping however it has its spots. Ideally, you’d find yourself tucked away at one of the tables on first or second floor and get lulled to sleep by the FAB’s warm, ambient lighting and the faraway background noise of people working harder than you.

The FAB also has an abundance of seminar rooms so if you feel that simply sleeping in the middle of a study area is beneath you, you could try looking for an empty one of those. It would provide a complete sense of privacy, ensuring good, uninterrupted sleep. Or, if you can ever predict that you’ll be falling asleep in between your lectures the following day, you could even try booking one of the seminar rooms for an hour or two for “studying” the next day.

Finally, there are the main FAB stairs which, although aesthetically pleasing and providing a great background for all of your Instagram posts, are the least preferable sleeping spot in the whole building. Not only are you completely exposed but it can also get quite cold on the stairs and the wooden texture provides absolutely no comfort.

3. The Rootes learning grid 6/10

The Rootes learning grid is very average. It actually could not be more average if it tried. You could technically sleep there, but would you really want to?  It’s very bland and uninspiring. The lighting is also quite harsh and as the space is quite small the layout doesn’t really provide any privacy. You don’t get the comfort of being in the library or in the FAB and instead you’d have to tell your friends that you’d fallen asleep in a place that technically has “Rootes” in its name *shiver*.

4. The back of your lecture hall 5/10

Finally, the most ordinary and universal of all napping spots on campus – your lecture hall. Ideally, for prime napping experience you’d be sitting somewhere at the back, so as to attract as little attention to yourself as possible. The comfortability depends a lot on each individual lecture theatre but as long as you have some sort of jumper on you that you can use as a pillow you should be just fine. Just don’t snore too loudly.

So, where will you be napping next?

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