Nine things that will humble you as a Nottingham student

If you haven’t experienced one of these, you clearly haven’t lived in Notts for long enough

Since Freshers’ Week has come to a close, we’ve had enough time to reflect on (and look ahead to) the things that may humble us all as Nottingham students.

Though there are endless things that this delightful city can cause us to perhaps regretfully encounter, here is a list of nine things that we believe particularly stand out.

When the songs start repeating in Ocean

Ocean in itself is a humbling experience, but you know it’s enough when it hits that point in the night and the songs start replaying. You will undoubtedly find yourself turning to your friends and asking whether Love Story has already played. At that point, it might be time to go home, or you can stay until the lights turn on to brave the infamous carpet without the protection of the darkness.

7am training session after Crisis

We all love a good sports social at Crisis. However, those good times come along with consequences. Drunk you obviously thinks that £2.50 for two Jägerbombs is an excellent idea, only for the morning after you to relish in the consequences.

The next day waking up after having only gone to sleep just a few hours before your alarm is very humbling, to say the least. The only thing you can do is pray that last night’s chips don’t come back up again.

When you see the person you got with in the light

Picture this: you’re a few drinks in at Shapes where the lights are few and far between. You’ve found someone that you think (and you swear to your friends) is the lengest person you’ve ever set your eyes on.

Flash forward to an hour later when you’ve decided to move the romance on in the direction of Mega Munch. While the lighting in that holy place may not be the most flattering, you also realise, having sobered up slightly, that it may not just be the lighting. The person you got with isn’t who you claimed them to be.

When you see last night’s kiss in the dining hall

This one only applies to those who are/were in catered halls. The best thing about those halls is that you always have a meal to cure your hungover state.

However, those trips to supper require having to face last night’s entertainment while trying to shovel your roast dinner down. You can tackle this in two ways, either keeping your head down and running a steady course towards where your friends are, or you can smile and wave. We all know the latter isn’t an option unless you happen to still be running on last night’s Dutch courage.

Finding a seat in George Green

We’re all here to study the degrees we love (or don’t love so much), so this one actually caters towards the academic side of uni.

George Green seems to be the congregation point for everyone on campus, especially at lunchtime. So if you’re looking for a quiet seat at peak time, good luck to you. Respect to you if you choose to brave the awkwardness of having to walk around the whole building in search of the perfect study spot, only to return to the first spare seat that you came across.

Trying to find your way in the Trent Building

This is a similar struggle to the last one, however may cater more dearly to the arts students rather than those in STEM. Even for third year students, the Trent Building remains a maze. You happen to go in the wrong entrance and end up walking the whole way around the building only to come to the conclusion that your room doesn’t exist. We’ve all been there, perhaps too many times to admit.

The SU Subway queue

This is for all the freshers out there and those of you who still endure this humbling place. The Subway queue in the Students’ Union remains a spawning point for people you do not want to see, especially when you aren’t looking your freshest.

It’s always packed by 12:30pm and for some reason, it becomes very embarrassing having to pick out your various sandwich fillings when the entirety of your Hinge matches or the rugby team (who might even overlap) are standing behind you.

When you just miss the hopper bus

Campus is so incredibly busy since it’s the start of the year and everyone is pretending to be an academic weapon. If you have a lecture ending at five and it’s pouring with rain, don’t even attempt the hopper bus. If you do, then be prepared to be out of breath, soaking wet, and humbled having just missed the bus.

Walking into Sainos the morning after a night out

Derby Road Sainsbury’s. We love you so much for your convenience, but not for much else. Not only are the prices so far from Lidl, but this place also seems to be another gateway for seeing the opps at your darkest hour, that being on your walk of shame or at the dire point of the hangover when a DC is needed asap. For lack of better words, need I say? Humbling.

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