

Heard something you think
we should know?

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We spoke to the students behind the Extinction Rebellion festival

‘The kind of joy we had, of this community coming together, was really wonderful’

WTF is happening with Pimp My Barrow?!

We’re all getting a little confused

Derby Day 2019: Here’s what to expect!

Can UEA pull off their 7th Derby Day win in a row?…yeah probably…

WINTER IS COMING! The Game of Thrones student panto you should be attending this week.

An interview with the director, Susanna Jones.

We spoke to those behind the protest outside the VC’s office

A group of students protested outside the Vice Chancellors in the wake of the fourth death at UEA this year

Our first ‘UEA Goes Dating’ couple has been on their date and this is how it went

Is love in the air?

UEA students march around Norwich for ‘Reclaim the Night’ event

Signs and banners were held up on the walk down Prince of Wales

Oh HELLO THERE it’s our Clubbers of the Week

See if you feature…