Student members of Plant-Based Unis took over a Lincoln Uni building on Friday

The group spent three and a half hours spreading their message

You may have noticed as you walk through the Minerva and Alfred Tennyson building that there are posters on the walls and messages on the whiteboards in your lecture halls promoting a plant-based diet. The 13 Lincoln students who are members of Plant-Based Universities hoped to grab your attention during your Monday lectures, after they spread their posters and campaign on Friday evening. The Lincoln group is part of a bigger community called Plant-Based Universities who have 48 different campaigns that all collectively aim to spread the awareness of a plant-based lifestyle and plant-based food options in universities.

After speaking with Jessica, president of Lincoln Eco Society, they explained the main aims of the project. We asked them about the overall purpose of spreading the posters and messages.

They said: “We would like the University of Lincoln to transition to 100 per cent plant-based food catering system in order to reduce their climate impact. Transitioning to a plant-based food system frees up 76 per cent of farmland which can be used for rewilding and restoring habitats destroyed by the global agriculture industry.”

The messages of “Go Plant-Based Save Our Earth!” and “Ask the SU to go plant-based for our futures” can be found around both university buildings, along with #thereisnoplanetb.

After asking them what their message to Lincoln students would be, they said: “become more aware of the climate crisis and the fact that transitioning to a plant-based food system is a vital step in reducing climate change. Students can get involved by following @plantbasedunis on Instagram and following the link in their bio to find the University of Lincoln’s Plant-Based Unis groupchat.”

The general acceptance of this from Lincoln students has been positive and even lecturers have got involved. Jessica said: “We had a student approach one PBU Lincoln student who asked if she had put them up and told her that the lecturer left all of the leaflets on the desks and left the message on the board during the lecture.”

We asked Jessica about their future plans and what the next steps are for the campaign. They commented: “We have actually met with Nat VP (the SU campaign officer) and she responded positively to the project and is willing to work with us. But, we need more students and lecturers to get on board, to really get the campaign going further.”

Finally, Jessica said: “We plan to keep doing this regularly to raise more awareness.” Be sure to keep an eye out for more of the Plant-Based Unis campaigns around the student buildings.

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