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Blood, sweat and croissants: Come with me to battle the infamous Lannan Bakery queue

It was early, it was brutal, but it was worth it.

‘It can be hostile’: Edinburgh Uni’s female sports presidents on being a woman in sport

‘Women are made to see exercise as a way of being thinner rather than for team sports, comradery and the general fun of it’

Five things to do to spice up your Bonfire Night in Edinburgh

How is it November already?

Skinny scarves and Salisbury Court: The red flags haunting Edinburgh Uni’s girls

Did you think the girls were safe?

A complete guide to surviving Edinburgh University as an American student

Living in Edinburgh isn’t all about the Dark Academia aesthetic

An Edinburgh alumni’s guide to the ultimate pub crawl

Sick of the Marchmont pub scene? We’ve got you covered for all your pub crawl needs

A comprehensive guide to Edinburgh’s hottest hot girl walks

Grab a friend and a skinny scarf and head to the hills for a break from the library

This is where you should go out in Edinburgh based on your star sign

Which one is the biggest red flag?