Here’s the ultimate Edinburgh Freshers’ Week lore drop

It’s not all just Harry Potter and dark academia

You’re in! Gone are the days of agonising over every possible disastrous scenario where your exams are lost and ungraded – it’s time to start romanticising all the potential that university and Edinburgh bring. It’s time to start choosing your move-in-day outfits and questioning if a Freshers’ wristband is your only ticket to making friends (hint: it is not…).

1) The city is beautiful! (Sometimes)

Literally just being able to walk in here with your student card is wild

This one’s to all those Pinterest and Harry Potter girlies out there – the city is indeed beautiful, cobble and coffee shop-filled. However. Gordon Aikman also exists, truly a tale of two cities. For every cobbled street and beautiful gothic church, there is also a concrete monstrosity – I’m looking at you, Appleton.

Even 40 George looks (relatively) good in the sun

2) There’s more to nights out than Cowgate

Even as a strong Cowgate defender, Edinburgh’s slightly lackluster version of the Las Vegas strip may be the home of some of Edinburgh’s best nightclubs, but that’s not to say best nights out. You may choose a Rose Street or Royal Mile crawl, or indulge in a round of pub golf. If they don’t float your boat, you’ll find it difficult to not stumble across a pub quiz, karaoke night or some form of shenanigans happening in virtually every corner of Edinburgh. First year is all about exploring the city and all the bizarre experiences it holds.

Chaos awaits you silly freshers x

3)North & Southbridge

Oh to be a Fresher without the knowledge of this pain. Let’s just rip the plaster off now, it’s hell. These two roads are the closest thing to being in the queue for airport security at 6 am with no air conditioning. Nobody seems to be moving at anything more than 1mph, somebody’s just stopped in the middle of a bridge that is literally under construction to take a picture of… something???

Southbridge though, that’s where dreams turn to nightmares. Eighteen busses piled up at one bus stop (none of them anywhere near on time) with queues for each bus blocking the narrow pavements. Never again will I see this road the same way after my time in Edinburgh.

4) Weird and wonderful student societies

As cliched as it sounds, there is something for everyone in Edinburgh, whether it’s something more mainstream like football, debates or orchestra, or something a tad more ‘out there’, someone’s probably made a society for it. If not, now is your chance to show off those organisational skills.

5) Hive Till Five

Talking about Freshers’ Week, if you have been spared from a night out at Edinburgh’s most… questionable club so far, this will not last. All roads truly do lead to the goth-filled cave system that is Hive, and for the month of August, this beautiful paradise is open until the sweet hours of 5 am. Hive is not just a night out, nor is it an experience, it is a lifestyle.

All roads lead to hive

6) The Fringe

Culturally, it is amazing that Edinburgh hosts the largest arts festival in the world. For students working in the cities’ bars, supermarkets and restaurants – August is hell. If you have a lanyard, stick it on, if you don’t, find one, or else you are bound to be dodging flyers on every corner for the month of August.

Fringe trauma-bonds you and your coworkers real quick

It’s not all bad though, the fringe also brings with it almost countless job opportunities for bartenders, baristas and flyerers. Describing these jobs to anyone outside of Edinburgh makes it sound like hell. Constant crowds shouting commands at you while the wifi and electricity has just shut off – yeah, maybe it is. But hey, Hive till Five the problems away.

7) Study Spots

DO NOT go into the library any sooner than you need to. You’re in first year, you can find a cute little coffee shop or AT LEAST the student union to study in because that glorified car park of a building does not need any more people inside it. Edinburgh is famous for its Harry Potter vibes, with coffee shops galore to back it up, bring a book and live your YouTube vlogging dream of an aesthetic day in the life of an Edinburgh student.

So aesthetic x

8) Nile Valley/Africano wrap

The average Edinburgh student’s home away from home – choose your allegiance quickly and you’ll never look back. Whether its a cheeky snack between lectures or the reviving hungover meal, these two student haunts have you covered, but it’s no secret, be prepared for queues out the door as soon as they open, and prepare to be sucked into it despite thinking it’s ridiculous for the first few days.

9) Flatmates, friends and everything in-between

First year parties are always a bit of fun

Flatmates can and always will be a mixed bag, even if you end up moving in with people who are exactly like you with similar interests, things can sometimes turn sour. First year will always be strange in this regard, thrust into a new city with new people who have had the same done to them, it can take a while to settle in and find your people but when you do the city really does light up even more. Just don’t commit flatcest x.

Their cooking habits will make you question reality

Despite all the uncertainty and potential chaos that comes with Edinburgh, you’re going to love it, the city is wonderful and there’s a place for everyone (apart from in the rental market).

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