
Tab Tries: Chat-Up Lines, Again

After the dubious success of Tab Chat-Up Lines, Mark I, five brave men tested a few more unconventional gems. Expressions of loathing, slaps and offers of prayers for their damaged souls ensued.

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)

ANNA SHEINMAN has a laugh, with caveats.

Much Ado About Nothing

BEN BLYTH highly recommends a mixed but ‘well-rehearsed, well executed, and well directed piece of student theatre’. There is also a bit about youporn.

The Tempest

ROSY WISEMAN is beset by a heavy flow of tedium.

Review: The Man From Stratford

SUZANNE BURLTON: ‘This is not a play. It is, rather, an ill-conceived lecture.’

The Vile Voyeur

Less Lolita, more Struwwelpeter.

Will McAdam

‘When I think of tragedy I think fuck it/ Shaker’s mum can literally go suck it.”

Review: Russell Kane’s Fakespeare

MARC SHALET: ‘Fakespeare was enjoyable but I don’t think King Nigel will be rubbing shoulders with Henry V in next week’s essay’

A New Shakesperience?

Following the recent news of Shakespeare’s new play, CHLOE MASHITER wonders whether it will live up to its hype.

You Fool

After the The Tab’s hoax fools The Sun, PHOEBE LUCKHURST and LOTTIE UNWIN select April Fool’s Day’s finest efforts.

Review: The Merchant of Venice

ANNA SHEINMAN applauds ‘acting… so clear you could probably get the plot if you were deaf, let alone not that comfortable with Shakespeare’.

Review: Twelfth Night

BEN BLYTH thinks ‘We don’t have to look far to find the seeds of a more hopeful theatrical future’.

Review: Macbeth

LOTTIE UNWIN is unsurprised Macbeth does nothing to cheer her up.

Review: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

MATT KILROY is enthralled by the ETG’s sinister production.

Lottie Unwin: Drama Queen

Our resident Drama Queen’s guide to what’s on in Week 0

Theatre: The Two Gentlemen of Verona

****- Shakespeare is finally done well at the ADC.